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  • Lucky Fire, a little confusing, but I think I got the gist of it now.

    Fire, ice, and grass, hm? Interesting triangle. The initial plot you've described (fight to control the elements) seems a bit flat upon first glance; you're going to add more bits and pieces to that as you go along, I'm assuming?
    Lucky Fire, so, a character you can put in Flipnote and the Internet, but you can't use in real life? Is that what you're looking for?
    What will you be using it for?
    Lucky Fire, How's your story going? I can't seem to make the 2nd chapter of my Shark Wars fanfiction for some reason. :( I think they might find it odd that I'm doing a fanfic related to sharks. I'm thinking of making and planning a new story this time it's based on one of my favourite games
    Lucky Fire, I did hear it's farther south. (I didn't read the whole article but I saw the first couple paragraphs or so.) If all goes well...you'll be fine. I hope you will be.

    What else has been on your mind as of late?
    Lucky Fire, and limitless energy is not currently something I possess, unfortunately :p

    How are you doing? News of your tornado plight has reached even the pages of my local newspaper...I hope you're doing okay.
    Lucky Fire, Maybe... The last story I did was a big hit =P It was when I was little and my friend helped me write it. This is my second account, I had one when I was like 6 but now it's gone =P
    "Gooityue"? No. Please. Don't.

    How am I today? I'm physically exhausted, mostly due to entertaining small children. (Yep, they'll wear you out pretty fast.)
    And by the way, I found a fix to the comma...as you have probably now noticed.
    Great avatar! Very well made. Although I generally don't like Kyurems new forms, that is a good picture of one.
    Lucky Fire, your name is fine as is. You don't need to change it. (By the way, Apollo's name ends in "myn", not "nym", but other than that you spelt it perfectly.)

    Today is Saturday, and that means the start of the weekend! How are you doing?
    Lucky Fire, Thanks, it's going to be really awesome once all the plot line and character introductions are through with.

    And I'll be sure to check out that story ;)
    Lucky Fire, Pretty good, I'm currently building some teams for tournaments I entered, then I'm probably going to go do some school work.

    And yeah, it was meant to be confusing at the beginning. Most stuff will get explained in Chapter 1 (I'm writing it now)

    And you?
    Lucky Fire, Mainly my story, but there's a bunch of VG stuff I have to get done also.

    And thanks :D The other team was terrible lol.
    Lucky Fire, I'm doing well although I am overloaded with school and Pokebeach work.

    Just went to Academic Challenge Tournament and won one of the games (which I have never done, so I'm happy about that) :D
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