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  • Lucky Fire, not in particular, but I have a question that's been on my mind, if you're willing to take a crack at it.

    If your emotions made you feel something you didn't want to, what could you do to either lessen the feeling or make it go away completely?
    Lucky Fire, a thread for another story? If I were you, I'd write up the story on your computer first and save a copy, before you decide to post it here. (And, unless it's a one-shot, don't abandon the story after 1 chapter!)
    Lucky Fire, a starry sky drawing is a bit simple, isn't it? What did you do to make it special (if anything)?

    And the video is all ready? Excellent.
    Lucky Fire, what's up? The price of gas. (Now re-read that. It should make sense.)

    That...actually sounds like a fun game if you have some time to burn. The tricky bit would be base stats and calculating damage, but if it's just all for fun then you wouldn't need to get into the complicated stuff.

    As for myself? I'm doing great. I'm addicted to Pokemon Pinball RS (as you may have noticed), and I just managed to catch Kyogre. I am happy.
    Lucky Fire, you have an assignment involving videos? Like filming something, or watching it?

    (lol mickey world)
    Lucky Fire, you mean Disneyworld, right? Walt Disney is a person (now deceased).

    I know that PB is moving chat servers on March 1st but I don't think that concerns you directly....some special occasion for you, perhaps?
    Lucky Fire, I was already aware of that; I was just stating my opinion on the matter :p

    So, anything fun and exciting you're looking forward to? It's almost March.
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