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  • Lucky Fire, so wait, you were filming your mother poke a pillow in your bed?

    As for me pulling pranks? Does hiding in one place undetected for 20 minutes count as a prank?
    Lucky Fire, that would be a mean but tasty prank indeed. Although, actually licking someone's face (sweet toppings or not) can be considered borderline inappropriate...
    Lucky Fire, ahahaha, right.

    ...I just got reminded of all the mosquito bites I have. >_<
    Lucky Fire, yes, because it's a cool word. (There's also another reason, but it's not that important.)

    ...why the word 'lucid'?
    Lucky Fire, my favorite word is "yet". I haven't really constructed a top 10 list or anything, but coincidentally "lunar" is high on my list of favorites also.
    Lucky Fire, like 100 really small beads (with a hole on each end) on a little tiny string? That royally sucks when all the beads just scatter everywhere. I hope you aren't too angry about it anymore...

    That dream of yours was pretty...unusual. As for myself, yeah, I did have an unusual dream. It got brought on by some angry thoughts that I shouldn't have had (and I don't wish to talk about), and I got really annoyed about the dream in the morning.
    Lucky Fire, mm, I'm doing okay. Yesterday at league, I managed to trade on DS to get myself a few trade evolutions - namely a Politoed, a Slowking, and a Dusknoir. (They were all mine - I just needed someone to trade with to bump them up the evolution chain, that's all.)

    And how about yourself, my vibrant youthful friend?
    Lucky Fire, as in, I am open about me being a hater of MLP. Being an "open hater" does not mean hating everything; it means being open about a hate of [something].
    Lucky Fire, no, but I hate ponies and am very open about it.

    You know I don't hate everything :p
    Lucky Fire, you're on neither side, correct? That's how it should be. I don't think you'd want to be on my side in the debate; I'm an open hater and proud of it.
    Lucky Fire, It simply means.....
    *Typhlo tackles Lucky Fire* :p Trollolol.....*troll face*
    Lucky Fire, ha, ha...not exactly. Chaos is an amorphous blob. My avatar is a Chao.

    And technically, neither of them originated from Sonic X; that's just a TV show, part of the larger Sonic franchise. (Both Chao and Chaos, however, debuted in Sonic Adventure.)

    And I see you're attempting to resist ponies. Well done, young one.
    Lucky Fire, better buckle down and get to work then, eh?

    And yes, it was a very funny class session that day. I had to end up restarting the whole problem twice :p
    Lucky Fire, ah, Midbus. Just as memorable as your master. The cage fight between him and Bowser was truly a sight to see. (I believe that was my 2nd favorite scene in the game. My favorite is when Bowser gets smashed by the train, then grows giant and has an epic evil grin on his face.)

    I'm doing pretty well, actually! Class was...oddly hilarious today; everyone simultaneously failed in multiple different directions (including the instructor). And now I'm at home checking some IVs and such.

    ...I hope you didn't get marked down for forgetting your homework...
    Lucky Fire, but apparently I didn't. Now I'm trying to find a way out.
    Or I could just chill in here.
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