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  • Lucky Fire, I was...but remember, it was Mario that got inhaled, not Fawful.
    Thus, since I was part of "everything around you", I should be...where?
    Lucky Fire, Pretty good. It's about time I got back and start planning the 2nd chapter of my fanfiction. I've become obsessesd with writing lately.:p
    Lucky Fire, I shall then proceed to exit your body using a complicated system of support pipes.
    Or I could go exploring and become artificial steroids.

    Hm, decisions, decisions...
    Lucky Fire, Bowser's Inside Story is the only one you still have left?

    Lucky Fire, I tend to play Pokemon competitively, so I want to try and perform the best that I can. However, there's nothing wrong either with just training the Pokemon themselves, but in the big world out there, if you want to win, you need to know what to do.

    what games are in that pink bag?
    Lucky Fire, currently trying to breed for a Poliwag that knows Hidden Power Grass. And since IVs can't be controlled all that well, it's a frustrating endeavor! Fortunately, I do have one. I'm not sure if it's all that good stat-wise, but at least I have one.

    I did see your new dragon and I haven't decided how to reply to your thread yet. As for the word 'ethernal', do you mean 'eternal' or 'ethereal'?
    Lucky Fire, hmm, odd.
    I guess for the time being, just be careful about where you log in from and make sure to log out when you leave.

    ...subject change, how are you doing?
    Lucky Fire, it depends on what that word is and if you could easily tie that word back to you. The less it relates to you, the harder it becomes to guess.

    ...who would want to stalk you anyway?
    I'm not sure what to say then... Have you noticed any posts being made with your account that weren't ones you did yourself? If so, then you should be concerned. If not, just change your password so that it's something harder to figure out. Also, make sure you actually do logout and thus clear your cookies so nobody else will automatically be logged in if you're using something like a family computer.
    Lucky Fire, hmm, I see.
    Apparently your timezone is GMT -6; is it set to that?

    Additionally, if you're really concerned that someone you know is logging on as you, there are a few things you can do.

    1) Make your password harder to guess.
    2) If multiple members of your family use the same computer, make sure you actually hit "Log Out" when you leave - or don't click "Remember me" when you log in.

    there was a 3rd thing I was going to say but I forgot it
    Do you actually use the logout option? If not, the server might not register you as logged out until sometime after (like a half-hour or so, if I recall correctly). I noticed that my "last visit" thing would always say that I was last online for a little while after I actually closed out of my browser without logging out.
    Lucky Fire's Last Visited Date said:
    You last visited: Today, 12:22 PM

    Not again. I know for sure that it wasn't my parents or brother, and I have absolutely no idea why that happens. If someone is hacking into my account, and is reading this, please stop. It's getting really annoying.
    Lucky Fire,

    Do you happen to have any DW Pokemon for trade? If so check my thread in the Master Wi-Fi thread. I have roughly 100 DW Pokemon. Most are mine but I have done some trades for English ones too. Also have some Japanese DW Starters and a Korean DW Rayquaza XD.:)
    Nigel, Lucky Fire, Chariblaze, Mr. Tea, sillykyle,

    Wow. Thanks guys for all the B-day wishes and the Valentines day wishes too.:)
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