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  • Playing with a Poke Ball along with an Eevee and a Vulpix. Then there was another pic with one dressed up like a cheerleader I wanted to us (but I'm not sure how well it'd go over since it's supposedly a boy Zorua crossdressing).
    Eevee, most likely, or maybe Quilava. There's also a darling Zorua pic I've been meaning to use.
    Lucky Fire, they just have funny names to me - that's all. It's not meant to be insulting or anything. (Well, maybe 'moose dragon' might be, but I find 'drill dragon' pretty cool. Reminds me of Power Tool Dragon.)
    Lucky Fire, I lol'd at the moose dragon. And the drill dragon, for that matter.

    And yes, Delteon's the name Apollo gave it. It's going to be very tricky to draw as I'm not all that good at drawing things like mammals, but I'll give it a shot.

    And why does the species name for a bat need to be made up?
    Not sure. I thought it was just how she has her paw on her collar, but I may be mistaken.
    Lucky Fire, Delteon is the one next on my list. I have already drawn Galactron and Domandaria. Although, I might draw something else next, but I plan for Delteon.

    I'm doing fine, actually. It's nice and sunny outside, and one of those days that's just perfect for relaxing. How about you?
    Lucky Fire, I sometimes draw on the side, when I am inspired to do so. I've drawn 2 of Apollo's Fakemon, and I want to try and aim for a third sometime in the near future - I just need to figure out exactly how to go about it.

    Drawing is not something I do on a regular basis, however - just when I'm in the mood.
    Probably hanging out on another forum/chat, if not just sites like Facebook or DA. ;P But seriously I probably wouldn't be on-staff anywhere else, that's for sure, since most forums I've been on usually had their staff already selected by the time I joined and rarely if ever added anybody new.
    It's doing fantastic, I think, since it's actually been seeing regular activity again. Just part of my job as a Community Works mod is to come up with fun activities for people to participate in, which is why I suddenly started the "Writing Activities" thread. Since the Round-Robin fell short, I need something to try and fill in for it. That's why I've been asking for suggestions, if that's what you're wondering.
    I hope the Japanese sign on Lucario's back (in the avatar) doesn't cause any trouble. If it says something bad, please inform me as quickly as possible, and I will fix it. Thanks. ;)
    Lucky Fire, if I had any, I would have posted already. But given how I don't participate in contests usually...no, I don't have any ideas.
    Danke is German for thanks. I was thanking you for wishing me a happy birthday.
    Lucky Fire, ah, okay.

    To answer your question, though - if you wanted to make May evil instead of nice in a sequel, then you can. It's totally up to you.
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