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  • Lucky Fire, most people don't expect young girls to have Hydreigon high on their favorites list. You follow my reasoning, yes?
    Lucky Fire, it's Ghidorah! Run!!

    And I agree Dragonite's boring. I just didn't think you'd be the type of person who would like Hydreigon a lot, but everyone's tastes are different.
    Lucky Fire, oh, right. Still, I'd expect you to like other dragons more...for example, Dragonair. I know you like him a lot.
    Lucky Fire, yep. All Hail Gigas!

    ...So your favorite Pokemon is a tie between Totodile, Snivy, and Hydreigon? I wouldn't expect someone like you to like Hydreigon; why is that?
    Lucky Fire, still proofreading Cycle; I've got about 7 more chapters to go and then I'm done. I'm also listening to some Pokemon remix tracks over YT (all kinds of fun stuff, really).

    In other news, the three Pokemon that were fighting to be my #1 favorite Pokemon are now not fighting any longer - the battle (or deathmatch, as I call it) has been won, and there's only one clear winner. (You can see who it is for yourself.)
    Lucky Fire, I had time to proofread another 6 chapters of Cycle this weekend, bringing me up to 21. (It's possible I might finish more before the night is up.) After this, I'll only have 9 left to peruse, and then it'll be done.

    :D !
    Lucky Fire, *Typhlo tackles Lucky Fire and takes kookies from the bag!*
    I do have other plans. And, no, I didn't cut it out, I deleted that part. So, anyone find any errors there?
    I didn't find any. (If I did, I would have pointed them out.)
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