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  • Lucky Fire, I hate homework also XD. I almost wish school was like an hour longer and then classes could let let you do the "homework" in class.
    Lucky Fire, Well, I'm preparing for my grandmother's funeral on Tuesday, so I'd say it hasn't been the best of weeks :/ I didn't know her that well though, so I'm not super upset.

    On the brighter side, I managed to complete chapter 1 of my story which I hope to finish revising and editing today (I was actually just working on it when I saw your comment :p) I've also done pretty well in school this week, and I managed to get all my long term projects done so I don't have to worry about them anymore.

    How are you?
    There was a Pikachu one to go with it, but I wasn't too happy with how it was drawn.

    Anywho, yeah, I'm a bit behind on FT right now, but hopefully I'll have something serious to update it with before too long. Good luck on reviving Time Portal, too!
    That's cause Zorua's crossdressing! :p

    I'm doing well. I've been sort of busy lately between work and some gaming projects. I've also been trying to get back to writing Feral Twilight, but am slow going with it.
    Lucky Fire, sorry for what?

    And no, I don't like either of Kyurem's new forms. I think they're hideous.
    Lucky Fire, to be honest it is a bit frustrating, because I never really know when I'm truly hungry or not. At the very least I can go by time of day...but oh well.

    Would you like to talk about something else?
    Lucky Fire, Assassin's Creed is considered as one of the hottest games out there!(unless you are not an avid gamer)
    Lucky Fire, anything. Even after eating, I'd never feel full. That's what colds tend to do to me (among other things). I feel hungry right now, but when I eat I know that won't go away.
    Lucky Fire, and I'm pretty sure swearing in a public place is frowned upon anyway, so...yeah.

    ...I've found when my nose is completely stuffed up, I have to end up breathing through my mouth instead, and that in turn causes my mouth to dry up really fast - and when that happens at night, I can barely sleep. Those are the colds I dislike.

    Right now, all I have is a runny nose and a constant hunger, thankfully.
    Lucky Fire, the kinds of colds where you can't breathe are the worst! Your mouth is dry and you keep waking up in the middle of the night. I certainly hope I don't get one of those. I feel for you, I really do.

    I don't think there's such a thing as a 'small' swear, but I think you mean one that's less extreme...right?
    Lucky Fire, :p

    Everyone told me to change it, and I decided it was a good idea anyway. In fact, on the first website I ever made an account on, I wanted to be just Blah but it was already taken. The dream of having this name has finally come true :D
    Lucky Fire, Heatran. That is all.

    Apparently I have a cold. I'm not sure where I caught it from. It's not a major cold, fortunately, and I don't think it'll affect my weekend vacation very much. Other than that, I'm doing peachy! (except that feeling sick kinda sucks)

    And yourself, my friend?
    Lucky Fire, a lance is a type of spear, and a blade is a type of sword, so yes I do.

    As for the axe, you could have it made out of lava, or it could just be a very hot metal axe. It isn't reality - it's your own universe, so you're free to twist the rules how you wish (within reason).
    Lucky Fire, not even close.
    Fire Emblem is a series of tactical RPG games. A big factor of the series is something called the "weapon triangle" - swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and finally lances beat swords. Think of it as the rock-paper-scissors of weaponry.
    Lucky Fire, why not a Fire Axe instead? You've already got a sword and spear - and naturally an axe would finish off the triangle. (If you're familiar with Fire Emblem, my analogy makes a bit more sense.)

    I won't tell, but you do realize that anyone can read my wall...right?
    Lucky Fire, why does this make me think of Yugioh? Ah well, no matter.

    I am doing fine; I'm scouting out hotels and such for my trip to Arizona this weekend, and overall I feel pretty good about things.
    And yourself? What's new with you?
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