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  • Lucky Fire, no game is anything like The Challenge! You might think it's similar, but when you really get into it...you'll find it rather frustrating, yet quite enjoyable.

    Trust me, you'll want to brace yourself.
    Lucky Fire, I suppose not. Glad to see you back!

    I'm doing pretty well. I found out one of my econ homework assignments is both long and tedious, and it's apparently due Sunday, which makes me a little sad (mostly because I'll have to get it done right away). It isn't exactly difficult - it's just a lot of busy work.

    How about yourself?
    Lucky Fire, softball is identical to baseball iirc. The only difference is the kind of ball they use. Softball uses a softer ball, hence the name.
    Lucky Fire, sports, hm? All right...what about sports?
    (I don't know much about it, but I'll try to follow the convo as best I can.)
    Lucky Fire, ouch! hope that bruise of yours heals up nicely.
    So, what else do you wish to talk about at this time?
    Lucky Fire, Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Yeah, and the ball is actually hard. It left a bruise on my left leg. Softball should be called "hardball" ""

    I totally agree lolol
    Lucky Fire, I said I was surprised you hadn't heard of it. So that's why I'm surprised.

    Yeah, the speed of the ball is what usually prevents me from catching it. I don't want to miss catching it, so I just decide to sidestep the ball completely.
    I'm no good at sports :p
    Lucky Fire, well, part of it meant "Lucky Fire", as you probably noticed.

    Scantron is a standard-fare multiple choice exam form. It's when you have to fill in the little box completely that marks your choice. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it.

    I actually have a similar situation with sports - I'm too scared of a ball to catch it.
    Lucky Fire, the full thing is "Konnichi-wa Rakkii Faia; o genki desu ka?" which in English is "Hello Lucky Fire; how are you?" So yeah, close enough.

    The class was micro-economics. It was sorta weird being handed my Scantron back, because the guy right before me got a perfect score. I only missed one question - and apparently my first answer on that question had been correct. Ah well!

    So you waver between left/center/right field?
    Lucky Fire, that's what the second line says, yes. Did you figure out the first one?

    As for myself, class started back up today. Found out I had a near-perfect score on my 2nd midterm (yay!) and now am digging up some old songs, and currently listening to them.

    Softball? Sounds exhausting. What position do you play?
    Lucky Fire, the East Sea Shellos. I like that one; it's cuter. I don't like West Sea Shellos very much.

    Deus: Nightmare Autarch is one of the forms of Deus, one of the main characters in Cycle. Deus appears in Nightmare (in fact, if you read it on Beach up to this point, you should see who he is), but he doesn't take on the Autarch form until...something special happens.
    Lucky Fire, that's part of it too! It's all down to what your team decides to do.

    As for my SS Anne expedition? I lost every game (except one) that I played that day, but I had an AWESOME time. There were so many opportunities to socialize, plus I got to catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones!

    I got so many looks and compliments on my Duel Disk, so much that I think I'll wear it there every year.
    Ah, and I took home a Cherubi and Shellos plushies with me! I'm thinking of their names right now...
    Mwahaha! I struck gold with this avvy, but the full transformation pic may be disturbing to some people (hence why I cropped it so it just showed Miltank Ash's face/neck).

    Glad you're reading FT. Seems like it isn't tailored to most people's tastes. The next part of Chapter Six is going to be a little longer than the first part. I originally had a lengthy nightmare sequece in the first part, but decided to rewrite it into the second half so that first one left off with a real cliffhanger.
    Lucky Fire, it's fine. I figured it was something like that anyway.

    As for how The Challenge works? Basically you, along with the other members of your team, work towards a certain goal for the round that we give you. This can include activities such as drawing, problem-solving, Pokemon battles, chess, writing short stories...you name it, we can challenge you with it.

    The best strategy for your team is to figure out who is the best person on your team for the job. Being decent at something is okay, but if you want to win, you want to put your best person forward. (Thus, if you want to be a help for your team, try to be proficient in as many things as you can.)
    I'm doing well. I've been getting a lot of work in lately, and making a lot of progress with Feral Twilight. How are you doing?
    Lucky Fire, I'm on right now if want to meet me there :p

    And I'm doing ok, I have a stomach bug so I'm not feeling great but other than I'm good.

    How are you?
    Lucky Fire, Heh that reminds me of one of my friends. He goes to school in shorts the whole year (except of the really cold months). The last week we were disappointed because he were "late" at wearing them :D
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