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  • Lucky Fire, hahahahaha nice. Outs make all the difference, especially when you throw them straight to 1st :p Out of interest, what position do you play?

    And thanks for the compliment about Nightmare! I appreciate your support.
    Lucky Fire, you won a softball game at 21 points to 1? Slaughter detected.

    And you plan to see the Hunger Games on Thursday, eh? Just so it won't coincide with a softball meet?
    Lucky Fire, in the Challenge, each of the losing teams votes somebody off. The 2nd-place team votes someone off permanently (that was Legend), and the 3rd-place team votes someone off to join the 1st-place team (that was you).

    And why would you think fate isn't on your side? Just because you have a lot on your plate doesn't necessarily mean that's a bad thing.
    Lucky Fire, as you're aware, the recent challenge was getting the most hits on a Youtube video. Unfortunately, your team (the Air Lockers) lost pretty badly, so they voted for you to join the winning team (Suns of Pokebeach).

    The next challenge is a writing challenge; it's currently up in the topic.

    Yeah, I was wondering where you'd vanished to. It's not like you to vanish for days like that. But at least you're back!
    In regards to the Challenge, you've now moved over to Suns of Pokebeach. Check the topic for more details.
    Ah right, on an unrelated topic, one quick question I have for you.
    Are there any Bug-type Pokemon that you like especially, or no?
    Lucky Fire, how the Big Bang theory (no pun intended) goes is like this:

    At one point in the distant past (exact amount of time technically immeasurable), all of the matter in all the universe was compressed into an infinitesimal speck, which was also spinning at an incredibly fast speed. Then, from some sort of unknown stimulus, this speck exploded, releasing vast amounts of hydrogen and other trace elements, thus growing outward and expanding it into the universe as we know it now. The universe is probably still growing.

    From a scientific standpoint I'm not exactly sure how that's possible, given the behavior of atoms and molecules. After a certain point, all the matter would start repelling each other, and even if all the universe was compressed into one area, it would have to be much much larger than just a speck. Furthermore, the theory doesn't really explain where the matter came from to begin with either. It also runs into problems with the law of conservation of angular momentum.*

    (*In layman's terms, this law states that if an object is spinning in one direction, and something flies off that object, it's going to travel in the same direction, unless stopped by friction or something. This isn't a theory; it's proven scientific law. Taking that one step further, if this big bang speck was spinning in one direction, everything else springing off from it should also be spinning in the same direction. However, you can look at our solar system to take that theory into question - not all the planets orbit the sun in the same direction. Venus and iirc 2 other ones spin clockwise whereas the rest spin counterclockwise, and even the planets with satellites, like Jupiter and onward, have satellites spinning in opposite directions about them.)

    A lot to take in all at once, I know. If you didn't get it all the first time, read it slower through a second time, or ask me for some clarification.
    Lucky Fire, all right - what exactly are you curious about? (I'd like to hit the areas you're most wanting to know.)
    Lucky Fire, I have these ice cream-ideas but somehow have just lost the force to put it in the story. Well to be more specific, I just don't know how to fit them in. I'm new to writing. :p
    Lucky Fire, >implying the Big Bang actually existed

    If you believe that the earth (and by extension the universe) was specially created by a divine creator, there really isn't any need for a Big Bang. The Big Bang is basically an alternative view of how the universe came into being, to try to explain it apart from the existence of God. Put simply, it's one or the other. (If you want to learn more I'd be glad to tell you; just don't be surprised if a lot of what I say goes over your head.)

    I could have told you, yeah...but it's referenced a few times in my bio :p
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