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  • Lucky Fire, what makes you think that? I haven't even started writing it yet. (I meant to start 2 days ago but I kept procrastinating.)

    GIMP is a program, not a file type. The image types for pictures are .jpg, .gif, and .png. As for posting your drawing you made on DSi...? If your computer has an SD card reader, you can use that and then upload it to the Internet.
    Lucky Fire, you have much to learn, apprentice.

    So, how are you doing on this fine evening?
    Lucky Fire, I have a list up to my top 50 in my bio, silly :p Why not read it and find out yourself?
    Lucky Fire, well, if I give you a hint, that might give you an unfair advantage. I don't give out hints for what the next round in the Challenge will be.
    Lucky Fire, well, you might, you might not. It's popular vote, so yeah.

    Well, you can ask for a hint, but that doesn't mean I'll give it to you, silly goose :p
    Sorry, I jest in poor tastes at times. ;3

    But seriously, if you did go on chat, I'm around to support others. Beyond that, how are you doing so far?
    Lucky Fire, or they procrastinate. At least you did something! I don't know if it'll keep your team out of last place, but you did something!

    What would I like to talk about? Whatever you want, really. I'm here for you.
    Lucky Fire, because Zyflair's a real jokester.

    Ah, that story was yours that I received? I thought so. Unfortunately for your team, that was the only story I got...so I'm not sure how things will go for your team.
    It is usually not a good idea to take anything Zyflair says seriously.

    I'm doing good, seeing as I have the house to myself for 2 weeks. I hope to enjoy myself as much as possible in that period of time be it hanging out with friends, vegging out...whatever works!

    And yourself?
    Lucky Fire, a concert? Pretty cool! What band(s) was/were playing?

    Still uncomfortable, eh? If you want, you can just talk with just one or two individual people with /query and not even need to change your nick (if you wanted to talk with me that way, you could do that easily, since for most people I can tell who they are without them even nick changing).

    Of course, it's totally your choice.
    Lucky Fire, you bet I'm confident! And thanks very much! I still have about a month to test and tweak the list before I take it to a tourney, so I'm not too worried.

    And...how are you doing? Still unable to use chat?
    Well, profiles aren't always 100% truth.

    How am I doing? I got to test my new deck at League yesterday. It did AMAZINGLY on only its first day of play. I'm already liking it and I want to try and run it for an upcoming tournament!
    They do, they do. x3
    Of course, that must mean I am pretty moody person. I think only DNA and Apollo changes their avvies more often than I do.
    You're welcome. Next time it's content of that nature and I ask for it, just PM it to me.
    No, no, no, it's completely against the rules to publicly share content like that. You need to get that off of my profile.
    Um, that's definitely porn... I wouldn't have minded if you pm'd me it, but don't post it on my profile so little kids could click on it. >_>
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