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  • Lucky Fire, not really.

    But by the way you worded that question, I assume you want to tell me about it.
    Lucky Fire, what you said was you gave Mitja credit for "resizing the Fakemon in my signature". You said nothing about your avatar, silly :p
    For those who are wondering about the pony avatar- I do like MLP, but that was before the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic came out. I still have my old DVDs of old videos about the old MLP. Those were the good old times- sigh...
    Lucky Fire, School's starting here too!:D
    I've been thinking about my fanfic's second chapter.
    I can see your PM in my inbox; however this libary comp's keyboard is busted (oh joy). I'll probably rep to it Monday night or so.
    Lucky Fire, :( I wish I could, but I'm still in CA and don't have access to PO. I'm also gonna get home at 1 in the morning. I'll definitely be there for a bit tomorrow though.
    Lucky Fire, Lol I'm not sure if it was that I wanted to talk or just leave a spammy comment. =P Lets just say the idea sounded right at the time... o.o

    I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. Just trying to entertain myself with Pokebeach and what not. I'm sort of disappointed because there's not really anything to do today and there's no plans to go anywhere but I guess I'll get through it. And how are you doing currently?
    I am somewhat bored and leaving someone a profile comment sounded like a good idea so here I am. :I
    Lucky Fire, lololololol... yeah that is pretty bad. But think of it this way, it might have been a lot worse if you had used it on a specific person.
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