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  • Lucky Fire, That might be, but I think that it looks like Victini. Or actually it doesn't, but it has the same lines :D Lol actually it doesn't even look angry :)
    Lucky Fire, Ok. It's just because my "main language" isn't english (or american if you like), so I can't know all the words :)
    I also guessed that the X was from his name. I saw no other reason for that :D
    Lucky Fire, Yeah, I've seen really many using his avatars. They're really cool. In the beginning I thought that the X in the avatars was showing that the user was member of something. Then I found out that it was Xous' signature... It was quite funny :)
    That's just how people are. It's annoying, but you get use to it. At least you have a new partner this year right?
    You should put yourself in the story, or at least just for that scene, because it relates so much to you. Do you dislike that boy or something? No, that has never happened to me. My classes don't require having to be paired up, but when they do we are allowed to choose who we want to work with.
    I'm doing fine thanks. Have just returned from the league I play at. How about you?
    Unfortunately I can't brag of being the one who made the imagine, but I made the mustache and the monocle myself. I'm so proud :D If you wanna know I got the imagine from a Christmas calendar, on another pokémon site last year. I just really wanted a Lucario as my avatar, and due to the size restictions, I only had one out of many Lucarios to choose from. I really wanted to link the imagine, but I don't know how... I'll link it if I figure out how...
    Never let anyone borrow your book. Did you have anything that you treasured in it? You totally should. It's a really good way to pass time.
    I think so! I just searched "funny avatars" or something and found it. Thank you Google!
    Doing well. Going to Busch Gardens right now! :D
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