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  • LuckyPokeGirl, I feel as if PO might ruin competitive battle for me, similar to what Shoddybattle did in 4th gen. That's why, when it comes to battling, I just stick to Wifi.

    It's not that I have anything against PO. It's just a personal reason, nothing more.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I am not allowed on for a day trying to fix it :( you didn't wasted time, I like talking with you
    LuckyPokeGirl, "Blue Fire" is very similar to the signature attack of Reshiram, "Blue Flare". And "Lucky Fire" can still be shortened to just "Lucky".

    I could look to see if those names are taken if you want.
    By the way, could you hop on chat if you have a moment?
    LuckyPokeGirl, it's not a name change idea. Read the usertitle to yourself, and see if you get it.

    Lucky Fire sounds better than Blue Luck, at least to me - because Lucky Fire could actually be a thing. (Then there's Lucky Dragon, which would probably be more your style...but it's your choice.)

    edit: also, 'sick avatar' means 'really cool-looking avatar'
    LuckyPokeGirl, it doesn't sound half-bad, actually. Do you plan to change before this year is up, or at the start of next year?

    (I'd recommend this year if you do, as that way if you have it for a few months and are dissatisfied you can change your mind later.)

    and do you have other ideas, or is that name just the main one?
    I wasn't online as much as I normally would've been yesterday either because I was "breaking in" my new system. I haven't tried all the features yet, but I'm hooked on it nonetheless.
    Whoa, mine's Flame-red too. I got it as part of a bundle package with Super Mario 3D Land. Also, I only got one other game as well, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I've only played the latter so far and am planning on starting the other tomorrow since I'm off work.

    The AR cards kind of confused me when I saw them at first, and I hadn't tried using them yet (and probably won't since all they remind me of is an older GBA device called the "E-reader," which you could swipe cards through and play mini-games or learn secret info about certain Nintendo characters).
    Pretty good actually. I got a Nintendo 3DS and a couple games to go with it, so that really made my day!
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