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  • LuckyPokeGirl, lol same thing happens to me all the time... That's what we get for beingl dumb and not doing them sooner though
    LuckyPokeGirl, all right. I'll probably end up talking to you on Monday (since you will be no doubt with family tomorrow).

    Good night; and God bless.
    LuckyPokeGirl, heh, what timing.

    You going to stay up late tonight? It's almost 9.30 where you're at.
    You're welcome. Sorry for the little slip-up. I'm usually good for rewriting things word-for-word and punctuation-for-punctuation, though.
    LuckyPokeGirl, you can be a guy and still be a fan of female video game characters...
    there's nothing wrong with it.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I'd wait until he answers. Usually people won't mind if they're put in a story with or without permission, but there are some people who don't like it at all (I'm one of them).

    You can never be too careful.
    LuckyPokeGirl, well, don't lose sleep over it. You can take care of it tomorrow.
    Since you're online, why not just put your feet up and relax?
    LuckyPokeGirl, it means I'm waving to you, you silly goose!

    Anyway, I'm doing all right for the most part. I woke up feeling a bit ticked but I'm over it now. I've been writing bits and pieces of one of my fanfic today, as the inspiration comes to me. It's coming along quite well.

    And how did you spend your day?
    I gtg eat dinner, I'll be back soon to help some more if it still doesn't work.
    LuckyPokeGirl, That's slightly odd, Try going to "Teambuilder" first. Then type in a name. You might want to add one Pokemon to your team also, it may cause the program to glitch otherwise.
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