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  • LuckyPokeGirl, accounts on Pokebeach are automatically deleted if they have a post count of 0 for one month or more.

    Just don't be so forthcoming with information like that and you should be fine.
    LuckyPokeGirl, they won't make a fuss (and if they do, just say it's not their business). And you did the right thing in not answering; it's a good idea not to reveal personal details of one's self. (Your mother's right, by the way; they do exist.)
    LuckyPokeGirl, you don't have an account on the chatroom; you just log on and you're ready to go.
    Here's what you'll do:
    1) go here
    2) pick a nickname for yourself (optional)
    3) type /query DNA - this will bring up a new window
    4) say something in it
    LuckyPokeGirl, I've heard you mention or imply your age before a few times, and with youth sometimes does come foolishness (or at least naïveté).

    Anyway, would you like to talk with me in the chatroom or no? (I'll tell you what you will need to do)

    I'm sometimes around in the chat too, so if anyone's picking on you, just let me know, kay? ;3
    LuckyPokeGirl, usually people on the chatroom can be nice, but it relates to how they view you on the forums. You're young and foolish (no offense meant) so that probably reflects how they respond to you.

    (You can also log in and just not say anything as well. I am actually on the chat right now, so if you wish to talk with me in real time, reply on my wall and I'll tell you what to do.)
    LuckyPokeGirl, never move a program. Ever. You will most likely have to reinstall it if you do.

    So I take it you have some experience with animations?
    Also, have you ever tried using a chatroom at all or no?
    LuckyPokeGirl, making animated .gif files is really complicated. (I don't even know how myself.) All I know is that you need to have 1 layer in the image for each frame you want. (You know how animators have 1 piece of paper for every frame they want the character to move through, and they commonly have 24 frames per second? Yeah, it's something like that.)

    how/why would you delete gimp
    I'm doing all right! A bit tired from judging Cities all weekend, but otherwise all right.
    Yourself? How's Pencil working for you?
    LuckyPokeGirl, I have to admit that that's a pretty sweet title. =P Oh nice, I definitely look forward to reading it. ^.^
    LuckyPokeGirl, Oh wow awesome, I didn't even notice lol. I'll be sure to check it out at some point later this afternoon. :] Well as you already probably know, the best way to improve is to just continue to write. ^.^
    LuckyPokeGirl, Why hello there, I'm doing quite well and thanks for asking. :] And how might you be doing? Any progress on that story you were planning on writing?
    Lol. Everyone does bad things once in awhile. I think I'm sweet with a naughty and feisty side ;P. Lol. I have a really bad anger problem. I blame my dad and his side of the family.
    Well, let me put it this way. I'm a goodie goodie, I'm nice to everyone or at least I try to be unless they tick me off, and everyone in my claas says I'm sweet. Does this anwser your question? :p
    It's weird, isn't it?
    Right after I sent you that picture, I got chills and felt weirde out. It's disturbing with other people on the internet do with photos and who don:'t know who is looking at them. I doubt you would be ugly at all. I'm not that ugly am I? Everyone in real life says I'm really ugly. Keep it that way you don't want to do something that you'll regret.
    Okay, I see you already reminded AlienMLC. I sent reminders to the others then.
    Okay, I see. I'll do it then. So long as it's a polite reminder, you wouldn't get in trouble, though.
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