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  • Why would you get warned...? I make sure to remind people all the time when they've signed up for the Haiku contest and still haven't gotten their entry in. I've been thinking about doing the same for the Round-Robin too, but you can if you want to. It's a community-wide event, so it's not like I'm the only one allowed to remind people that this stuff is still going on (I mean, Zyflair has been doing the same anyways).
    Yep, and I tried. It's so hard. They won't even let me go to a friend's birthday party. They say I can text when I'm 15. Are you allowed to text.
    Um. World peace, or that everyone has shelter, food, and clothing on there back everyday, with a cure to all dieseases, or that everyone doesn't have to worry about money and such.
    What would you wish for?
    That's cool.
    I want a puppy (I doubt I'm getting one) and a new phone with text. I'm the only one of my friends not allowed to text.
    Maybe you should send an inquiry or something then. Ask a SuperMod or WPM.

    Not to be rude, but why did you contact me, I haven't spoken to anyone on her for ages. But it's nice to talk to people here again.
    That's weird. At least you didn't have anything important in there. did you? Maybe someone did delete them from your family. You should really log out when your on your Ipad 2. Your so lucky to have an Ipad 2. I wish I had one.
    How do you think that happened?
    I would be glad to help you with your boredom by talking with you. That is only if you let me.
    It stinks that my best thread (You Got Guts?) was locked. Mods seem to hate it, but a few members thought it should be an amazing thread.
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