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  • LuckyPokeGirl, Lol everyone has been asking about the avatar xD. to quote the show again

    "This creature is called a draconequus.[note 1] He has the head of a pony and a body of all sorts of other things."
    — Cheerilee

    exactly :p
    LuckyPokeGirl, there is a fill tool that looks like a bucket of paint. It will let you fill in any areas that are within the dotted-line boundaries.

    Maybe you did something earlier in the image editing so that you were only selecting a certain area? If you want to expand your range again so you can fill in anything in the image, do Edit -> Select All or hit Ctrl+A.

    Does that fix your problem?
    LuckyPokeGirl, There's no need to feel sorry. It was a good choice for the forums, and a choice I agree with.
    That's right! I completely forgot I mentioned it there.

    Anyways, the way I actually describe Incinermyn is as a "fire ermine" or "fire ferret" (normally the first). His size and design are sort of misleading because I spliced a golden frill/mane around the back of his head to make him look more exotic than he otherwise would've been (hence the resemblence to a lion).
    This, actually: http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff58/HuntsmanSkunk/Fakemon/Incinermyn2.jpg

    Also, I forgot...did I mention to you that Apollo actually was one of my Fakemon? I have done it a lot to answer people's questions about where I came up with my username and nicks on chat, but I lost track of whom I have over time. In any case, that's the only current pic I've got of Incinermyn. I've been meaning to redo it and several others in a slightly refined style I've developed in the time since I first made that drawing, but haven't taken a lot of time out to yet.
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