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  • Cool! :)

    I was going to comment on what you already had posted, but I couldn't form a critique that didn't seem sort of meanspirited, especially considering how my own digital art stinks most of the time. Really, I think you just need practice.

    Usually I start with a scanned version of a handdrawn picture, and then use programs like MS Paint or GIMP to enhance them. That's just me, though.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I just found out that GIMP apparently only works on Windows systems. Phooey.

    This is more of why I think Macs are evil; you can barely do anything with them :p
    The art thread you posted in Lilycove, per chance?
    I've been doing fine, but I've been sort of busy in real life lately, so I haven't been really active here the past few days.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I know right! I updated my sig and as soon as I was done it was changed.
    LuckyPokeGirl, cool; very cool. Are your drawings mostly on paper or via computer?
    LuckyPokeGirl, I think it was moved. TDL said he'd bring it up with the other mods who would make a decision about it.

    Mo'hawk, you say? Have a drawing available?
    LuckyPokeGirl, I'm actually talking with TDL right now about it on the chat; I'm trying to see his angle.
    LuckyPokeGirl, let me know how it goes. If anyone does ask, you can say (if you want) that I thought it was a good idea.
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