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  • I didn't do too much, mostly just editing the colors in some pictures. I also used to use photoshop, however, that went away too when my computer got wiped and it was also WAY too complicated.
    Cool, that actually sounds likes something I could try. I've used Paint in the past, but to make a long story short my computer got wiped clean and now I have to re-download it.
    Yeah, it's just common courtesy to credit the original artist when using their works (if you know who the artist was anyways). I just don't claim things I spoof as my own, but if I use one of cartoonist's avvies someday, I'll make sure to credit him.
    Awwwwwwwww... A Latias Plushie avvy? How adorable! Latias was one of my faves from the third gen. :)
    LuckyPokeGirl, in my trivia as per rule #9, editing your post is illegal. I'm sorry, but I can't give you any credit for this question.
    In future, just post on my wall what you meant, or just make a second post in the topic explaining.

    On an unrelated note, that Latias avatar is adorable. I know I've seen that avatar style once or twice but don't know where to find it...
    In response to Trivia of DNA II, on the Kricketot round, you put this as your question:
    What Pokemon was in only 30+ animations?
    I do not understand what you mean by that. Could you please reply and explain, either on my profile wall or in the Trivia thread?
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