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  • LuckyPokeGirl, Meh, I'm sure he's busy enough that I don't really need a different colored watermark. That's kind of pointless when you think about it lol.
    Regarding stories being moved back to Page Two and beyond... It really doesn't help that the majority of threads posted lately have been my contests, otherwise a lot of stuff would still be on the front page. Guess I'm guilty as charged when it comes to that. Really, it's not as big of deal as you think since people do look at Pages Two and Three of the index quite a bit. Anything from further back usually gets ignored because most of it has been forgotten about and abandoned.

    In any case, you just reminded me that I should seriously get back to updating my own fics as well as get to posting stuff I've been holding off on for the better part of a month or longer.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Cheers - as you'll see I've actually been around for a while longer than DNA ;)
    I understand, but there's no restriction for that. I have several of my own (two novels in- progress and a compiled works thread, not to mention the numerous haiku contest threads I've created in recent months that were all off an idea I had to flush activity back into the WC), so I wouldn't stand for putting restrictions like a story on people. Just don't suddenly flood the forum with wayward fics would be all I'd ask.
    Not at all, but I would spread out the times you're going to post them if you have a lot to share. Also, if they're just one-shots/short-stories under one thousand words, it kind of looks better if you keep them together in a single compiled works thread, but that's not required.
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