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  • And now, the prominent Dark-Giratina returns with a fashionable biography of himself/herself. Go on, I urge you to read it if you have time at all.
    Heh, I've been planning on writing up my own original novel that I'm intending to publish here on FictionPress and PB. Care to proofread it?
    Sorry I bailed. I was hungry enough to the point of feeling faint, so I had to go fix myself some food.
    Heh, think I figured it out. You linked the wrong thread. They had the same title, so that's why it got picked up. Here are my comments:

    I heard once that a eleven-year-old girl was walking to school, until a truck pulled over and knocked her out. For the next 12 years, the girl was sexually abused.
    Unless the person in the truck kidnapped her, I have absolutely no idea how these two sentences are related.

    I mean, if someone disowns a 17-year-old, it's okay, but disowning a twelve-year-old girl is just plain brutal.
    ...And exactly why is disowning a 17-year-old acceptable? I believe you're being a little naive about this. (Give it some thought before answering.)

    When someone is of high authority (like the president, and does something stupid, but when somebody of a slightly lower authority (like the news) never notices, it really boils my blood.
    I believe that's called "lack of accountability". Congratulations; you learned a new word today! :D
    Work. I'm currently working on a three-day carpet job. It's almost a full house I have to install, approximately 220 square yards area-wise.
    Lucky Fire, ...hmmmmm...I think I had something I wanted to ask you, but I don't remember what it is. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. Hopefully I'll remember before long.
    Lucky Fire, it's 'derived', apprentice, not 'deprived'.

    Ah, quarter. Actually, for the time of year, that makes more sense. My school did it in trimesters (3 per year).
    Lucky Fire, a little bit of both. I asked him what kind of team he'd like, and I worked with the idea, eventually posting an RMT at Pokebeach for the final tweaks (look for The Winged Moth of Ra).

    Your grades? Ah, is the end of the first trimester approaching?
    Lucky Fire, hahah, no, I'm sitting down at my computer. Sounds like there's a lot going on for you!
    As for myself, I am breeding the 6th of 6 Pokemon I need to make for my friend's team. Once that's taken care of and I note the IVs of them all, I can start giving them tutor moves and then, after that, start EV training them. The sooner I can get it done, the better, since if he's going to Regionals, he'll want this team done ASAP.
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