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  • Lucky Fire, trying to get my friend's team built in time for VGC Regionals, and hoping for my friends to log onto chat, as I am rather bored.
    Lucky Fire, why would you be invited to Canada? and what part of California would you even go to? (It's a really big place.)
    Lucky Fire, I like my name (DNA) a lot as well.

    ...I don't know who Katniss is. Speaking of names, I'm never going to find yours out, am I?
    Lucky Fire, I'd probably have to say my friendship. If that isn't an acceptable answer, I'd say my mind.
    Lucky Fire, migraine. It's an exceptionally strong headache.
    Well, besides hanging out on the Internet, what other stuff do you enjoy doing?
    Lucky Fire, yes, that's what I meant. Should I meet you there (chat) or here (forum)?
    Lucky Fire, yep. Next is to see how long it takes me to clear the Super Singles boss in the Battle Subway :p

    Anything? Of course. Shall you pick the subject or shall I? (or should I wait until you log on?)
    Lucky Fire, ...it doesn't matter about the level, since Battle Tower auto-levels.
    Also, doing it with a Pikachu wouldn't really be possible, considering Palmer's team is Heatran/Regigigas/Cresselia. Heck, even with the Blissey bit I got really lucky; I never hurt myself in confusion and Heatran missed a Magma Storm twice.
    Lucky Fire, ...never mind.

    Memorable VG moment? Probably soloing Palmer's team with a Blissey.
    Lucky Fire, heh, My Neighbor Totoro. I've never actually watched that, but I've heard it's good. It also makes you feel like you're high on something...so I've heard.

    Can I think of one? Probably, but is there anything specific you'd like to say?
    Lucky Fire, I had a tournament that was all day Saturday (I was there from before 10am to about 7pm), and on Sunday I usually don't log on until 3pm or later.
    But I'm here now, and at your disposal. What's up?
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