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  • Lucky Fire, not really, since you're using the blue Flareon right now. Want to switch?
    Lucky Fire, the banner is supposed to be a nod to Hector.
    And given how Nightmare was completed on Christmas Day, no, it's not an anniversary. I just like to have my avatars and banners match.
    Lucky Fire, Zyflair asked me, actually, when that fad broke out. The reason I'm using this one now is because...well, I'll let you figure it out on your own.
    Lucky Fire, not so good? I understand.

    And I didn't use this avatar during the fad - someone else did (I think it was you but I'm not sure). The avatar I used during the fad was...well, the one you're using right now.
    It's right where the comfortable chair is.

    Oh! How'd volleyball go?
    (and when I looked at your current avatar I thought I was looking into some sort of weird temporal mirror)
    I've been on this site for a year and (barely!) half. But being online is a entirely different matter. So far, I've spent four weeks, one day, and three hours on this site. But there's other members who have been online much longer than I and are newer than me.
    I couldn't forget that being online longer than others like meself does not always mean that they are contributive, or even friendly. They might be just spambots who spend their time all year, or perhaps just lifeless users who refresh every single second constantly, never adding anything, but simply dead. Their souls might have gave up on them.
    But I do know better than this. That is why I don't have to be online the longest to know that I can't change myself. My entirety remains as it is, but I should be concerned about my personality, which has been beginning to take negative turns.

    I must keep sane.
    About halfway down the page:
    Lucky Fire, Quite honestly, I forgot about it. If you reply to this tomorrow to remind me I could take another look at it, but as of now it's late and I'm a bit too tired to do so right now.
    If they annoy you that much, link them to a Super Mod so he/she can IP-ban/delete them. I would, but I can't via phone. Sorry if I sound inefficient.
    It's probably a bot. They usually get deleted after a month if they have no posts.
    I'm not sure if they were actual members or bots we missed. In any case, just ignore them. They can't actually do anything but look. I'll see if it's possible to even get that ability revoked, since they are supposed to only be able to view the Forum Jail.
    Five banned users viewed my profile.

    ...especially this someone named [member]acconoNug[/member]. I don't know why.
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