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  • Lucky Fire, hey, can't blame me for wanting to have a little fun :p

    Sure, come on in. I saved a spot in the crypt just for you.
    *checks Werewolf*
    ...Seeing as you can no longer avenge my death, would you care to join me in the crypt of those who have died?
    Lucky Fire, Sonic X is just a show in the Sonic franchise, silly.
    But you're basically correct - Cream is a character from the Sonic franchise.

    By the way, does it matter if my avatar is feminine?
    Lucky Fire, I think this is as far as the rainy day subject would go, so let's change to a different subject. Chat or forum?
    Lucky Fire, if you're saving something to do for a 'rainy day', it means you're saving it for a day where you have an abundance of spare time on your hands (because on rainy days, people can't usually go play outside, so they have to do things inside either).

    Make sense?
    Lucky Fire, coloring an existing drawing should be easy, but I'm not very used to the Paths tool and coloring options on GIMP, so I didn't get much of anywhere. Oh well! A project for a rainy day, I suppose.
    Lucky Fire, heh, I'm all right. It was intended for you. I tried to color it on GIMP, but I couldn't figure out how to color. Too tricky. Maybe when I have more spare time to burn, I'll take a crack at it.
    Lucky Fire, Eh, that's because I solely lurk now. I cam out of the darkness to post this.

    *Slowly sinks back into the shadows*
    Lucky Fire, I'm just away from 'Beach most of the weekend. Also, yesterday was Battle Roads, so I was judging...plus today, I was at a card shop with friends. I wouldn't disappear :p

    Another game? What other game?
    Lucky Fire, np... And BTW it's Jolteon W/Wonder Gaurd and Air Balloon and Latios W/ Mold Breaker and Sould Dew...

    I haven't uploaded it to the Internet yet. It's drawn out on paper, but I have yet to scan it. I will tonight though, most likely.

    How am I doing? Pretty good! and you?
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