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  • I'd capture you first so you wouldn't die.

    An artist or author, eh? Interesting...
    Lucky Fire, pretty depressed. Mostly because I'm ashamed that I know the lyrics to the 877-CASH NOW commercial.
    Centipedes do not turn into butterflies. They turn into beautiful engines of destruction.

    Another topic, let's see...
    I forgot if I asked you this, but what do you want to do in the future? like the far future, when you grow up.
    You're overthinking things. A person's name doesn't really correlate to someone's life. For example, nightmares aren't a big part of my life.

    You're not going to burn up any time soon. You are still young, and you have your whole life ahead of you still. Enjoy it.
    ...I think you mean 'regenerates'. Regurgitating is throwing up food you just chewed, like what mother birds do for their young; they chew their food for them.

    ...Spontaneous combustion, by definition, would generate instantly in the subject, having built up energy for it - or just being flammable.
    And...okay, I'm going to stop right now and ask it: what is with you and your morbid fascination with spontaneous combustion?
    Then when you erase, it shouldn't show the transparent grid; it should just show the layer(s) below that one.
    Never hurts to make sure.

    Erasing something removes it from that layer. You aren't replacing it with whiteness; you're replacing it with nothing - i.e. transparency.
    If you're concerned, first make a layer as the background, then start your drawing in a new layer. When you erase from that layer, other layers are unaffected.
    Progressing stories is not work, but fun! you silly, silly girl.

    GIMP takes a bit of getting used to. Just be aware, layers are what will really make the image. I'd show you a demo of what a banner would be like on GIMP and show the layer view, but I don't know where I can upload .xcf files.

    Coloring its head made it ugly? This is why I try to color in black and white. Color ruins my stuff too.
    Trying to work on Apprentice! Just trying to clear up some of the mental blocks and I'm almost all done for writing the next scene.
    So...you aren't cute then. Understood.

    ...And how are you on this fine day, my friend?
    They got down to 4 people and were finally disbanded.
    So, you're going to be watching for the little bird, eh? What else are you looking forward to tomorrow?
    Oh, sorry! I missed those questions. How's it going? Pretty decently. The teams got disbanded. And...you were already in The Challenge III and quit, so you can't be a replacement, silly.

    You think the hummingbird nests somewhere near your house? It's possible. A bird feeder w/sugar water in it might attract it.
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