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  • I know, but it's still a funny mental image :p

    Hummingbirds? I didn't know you liked hummingbirds.
    Tomorrow? Yes, tomorrow is another day, isn't it?
    The reason I didn't join Up to Five was because I didn't like the idea behind it. You don't lose things by picking numbers, but you do lose things if you get shot. (By the way, nice bathing in Yoshi's blood.)

    What else to discuss? Let's see...
    What are you looking forward to...or not looking forward to but you have to do anyway?
    Well, Tajiri was an insect collector, so I'm guessing it would have had something to do with bugs or something. Failing that, we'd all be playing Dragon Quest Monsters.

    But I don't like thinking about situations like "what if _____ never existed"? I like to cherish my friends ;)
    Should it have been invented? Why not? It's something all of us everywhere can enjoy. It's how I have met people who share an interest and how I've branched out so much. Had Pokemon not existed, I wouldn't have met you or anyone else here.

    And speaking of dragons.....I wish this had been in BW2 instead.
    Well of course you want a dragon to trust you, but my question was, why would you want a dragon you could trust instead of a person you could trust? Wouldn't a person be a better sympathizer?

    How do I think of Pokemon? I'm not sure what you mean.
    Well, Exterio is Beast plus Barkion, hence the "Fusion" bit, so it does make sense (notice Beast appears to be 'wearing' Barkion).

    What would I wish for? I'd wish to be forever happy with my friends and those whom I love and cherish.
    ...my usertitle is a nest of great tit hatchlings. I'm not sure how you got the Deino.

    How am I? Feeling good; it's nice to see you again! I'm trying to build a couple decklists to test out this weekend at League.
    If I did choose to vote, I'd pick Rayquaza, but that bracket seems to be rigged beyond repair to the point where it's just a silly popularity contest (that and the fact that all their videos are staged), so I'm not voting in it.
    Well, of course not publicly. I can keep a secret, Lucky.

    Any topic I want to turn to? Whatever you want.
    Ah, that's what you meant. So you're saying you haven't found out all your talents yet. I see.

    Some of the projects the mods tackle are rather expansive and generally on a need-to-know basis. You really think you're capable of tackling something that big?

    ...I thought you said you couldn't mostly just because it wasn't finished yet - that's what I always assumed the reason was. I appear to be mistaken; I apologize.
    How can you know you're good at something if you don't know you have it yet, silly? :p

    Although, writing's definitely something. Have you tried looking around the Writer's Corner to see what you can help out with and/or suggest?

    And you can PM it to me if you want, or I can just wait until it gets posted. Either's fine by me.
    1. Help out? Okay, what things are you good at doing? That's a first start - to know what you can do.
    2. ...I see.
    3. Like littering or just not letting them ride the bus home?

    1. Ah, you have a list of ideas? That's nice.
    2. I like your avatar a lot; it's really cute.
    Lucky Fire, I'm not sure there's much more of the glass ceiling I can advance past haha. I've already had pretty much all the positions possible at one point or another. XD
    Anything I want to discuss? Hmmmmmm...let's see...

    ...Have you been generally happy lately or have there been things that have popped up that have made you sad?
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