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  • I know, and honestly, I feel like complaining right now, but I won't come across as mature... Seriously though people, are you running out of space for new ideas?
    But the thing is, I somehow agree with the few (you know who I'm talking about) that they somewhat turn down fancy ideas I give them. It's either "It's not logical at this time" or "It really doesn't help..".

    You can't transfer Gen 1 Pokemon past Gen 2, so the point is moot.

    What's there to do here? Watch and learn from people, see what's going on, hang out with friends, all sorts of things. The main thing I do here is hang out with friends; it's something I derive a lot of joy from. =)
    Yeah, but to be honest, I'm getting a little tired to be here. Save the Community Works sections. :/
    Missingno. only exists in Generation 1 - it didn't exist later after that.

    I'd like you to stay too, actually; you're nice company.
    I did, actually! It's sitting in my box right now collecting dust, in favor of other glitch Pokemon that I have acquired.

    ...Say, are you feeling any better? You seemed kinda down.
    You're doing it wrong, Lucky-chan! It's all in the wrist; try flicking the Master Ball with your wrist as you throw it. It should work!
    Heh, I just perpetually have many things on my mind, so some little things slip through the cracks. Ah well, at least you catch them and remind me! Thanks.
    I know, a lot of people say I do. But the main snag is I don't have expertise in one particular area. I'm a jack-of-all-trades as far as skill goes.
    I mean, I technically could be a mod that would do all the small stuff that people aren't as willing to do (kinda like a forum janitor), but I'm not sure if that kind of thing is even necessary.
    How can you help them with things? There are a few ways...one is to help them out with your knowledge of things Pokemon-related. You aren't quite that knowledgeable, so you'll need to improve a little in that area. The other way is just to be a good friend and be willing to just hear them out.

    ...then wouldn't you have been a Super Mod by now?
    Aww, you flatter me!
    Is making a mark on the forums all that important, really? I personally think there are better things you could do than just try to make a mark on the forums...like just being a good friend.

    That's the philosophy I like to take, myself; I try to help out on the forums in small ways but that's not the primary reason why I'm here - the main reason I'm here is to be there for other people.
    ...Is the mark you're trying to leave going to be on the forums, or on actual people you've met? because if it's on actual people, you've already made that mark.

    ...I'm Deus, remember? you don't need to ask about me in the 3rd person. I'm doing just fine. As for the Nightmare series, I want to see how much I can write of it in the one week I have off.
    Well, I was here several months, became semi-inactive for a while, came back, and then suddenly got offered a mod position. I'm just saying don't say you're leaving for good when you probably aren't. I mean, I still come and go in spurts like any other member or mod.
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