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  • If it's any consolation, I'm a mod and most of my activity is in the Community Works forums. I don't involve myself in much else unless it's just policing other parts of the forums to cover for other mods.

    I've made it so far. But I feel like going away from Pokebeach for a while. I mean, the only forum I'm mostly active on is Writer's Corner, which is also a little too inactive. I've lost the motive to write anything except for one story, which I also can't post on here. I really want to get into VG, but... I don't play that much. Sorry about that, Dark Giratina. I truly want to contribute, I do. But I'm beginning to go away. What can I do for this forum? Suggest ideas?

    I want to keep going. The main question is, what can I do for this forum? I know I could do something to leave my mark. It just seems like new members just join, stay around for a while, and then leave.
    What can I do? Stay on, or leave?

    Help me. I have been on here for a year, and those who stay for a year are quite rare. I don't want to just fade out. Leave your comments here...
    ...Farewell, if I don't come back. :(
    It was just a series of questions, but they were all rather difficult, so I'm happy I won. That, and the one guy who could have easily beat me couldn't make it (sadly - I wanted him to be there).
    Itchy eyes and feeling tired? Why's that? Not enough sleep?

    As for me, I am finally out of classes for the summer! ...but the break between classes is only one week, which kinda sucks. But at least I'm spending my break well right now!
    I also got to participate in a trivia off-site yesterday and I owned at it.
    I was trying to think of a nice witty way to greet you. Most of my ideas involved an alteration of the phrase "How is the lucky lady today?" but I couldn't find a way to word it to sound good.

    So I'll just fall back on what I know and say "Hi Lucky! What's new?"
    Want to come to PO? I'll continue tutoring you there if you'd like.
    Hmm... What about a penalty? Like, they'll lose two points for every round in the game? Or get banned from the shooting for two games?

    As for Ready Aim Fire ideas...
    Maybe you could tell them to send you PMs to join. In the forms, ask them if they'll be active. If they don't send in a action, kill them. ;D
    I already killed people who didn't send in an action. I thought that losing two points would be a big enough incentive for people to get their actions in, but I guess not...
    I'm fine with either. I could use some practice now that I signed up for the Master Cup tournament.
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