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  • Good, I'm just excited to go out tonight with my family, eating at a quiet, luxurious restaurant with comfortable seats and soft music. Heck, they even have a television where I can watch the Canadian hockey games. You?
    They just checked on me yesterday, and the experts say that it was no big deal. They just patched me up good, stitched out the wound and it was okay. Nothing is wrong with my vision. I just have to bear the idea of having a scar on my face, that's all.
    What, would you rather me be unlucky?

    I'm doing well, just finished up a paper for a political science class that's due on Tuesday of next week. Next week I've got finals so that's going to take a bit of time away from other things, but I'm not going to try and abandon you peeps.
    I wouldn't mention it, obviously.

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    Oh, I apologize, I got caught up with work. And thanks for the concern. To be more specific, I actually scraped the fleshy part of my orbital plate (the side of my right eye) and it seems a small pebble chipped the skin off, leaving a gruesome, gaping hole. Fortunately, my fall wasn't as bad as I thought it was, otherwise, it would've dug deeper all the way to the bone.
    Well, people do buy cards on-line, so you're not at all at fault.

    And what makes you believe it's the world's largest waterslide? Is that part of the advertisement? Or is there actual tangible proof?
    I buy my singles from a local card shop; I don't use eBay.

    Well, how have YOU been lately?
    I didn't buy packs - I was buying singles. I do that whenever I buy cards.

    I got a stack of 20 for 25c each, then like 8 more for $1 each, and one more that was $2. I bought all that on Saturday; it totaled $15.
    Then today I bought a 50c card, another $1 card, then two $5s, a $6, an $8, and an $11. That was $36.50, which brings the total to $51.50.

    I spent Sunday getting Synchro singles, which are always more pricy - the $11 one was Brionac. Brionac usually goes for a bit more than that, so I got a good bargain.
    Yay! :D

    How am I doing? A little sleepy but fine. I spent $52 on YGO cards today for some reason.
    That was the best chat I've ever had. Ah, attackbot is such a troll. XP

    I'm doing great, you?
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