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  • My turn? Okay...How's your summer vacation been thus far? Go anywhere spectacular?
    I'll take that as "you're going to find out, and when you do, you're going to read the whole series".

    An Unwanted would be someone who's...creative? Not bland? Outside the box?
    Also, this is sounding oddly like child/teen fiction...
    Too bad that doesn't work very well in reality.
    And it's not a glitch at all - I set my online status to 'hidden'.
    I do want more time - I'm only getting a 1-week break when I'd rather have 2.
    And I'm not offline at all.
    I had a three-week break between spring classes ending and summer classes starting, but only one between summer ending and autumn starting. I'd mind it less if I just got a two-week break on both.

    You'll remind me? I may hold you to that, apprentice :p
    It could be a long time, yes! But the main problem is I have to use that week to prepare for the upcoming semester primarily.
    I'm trying to see if I can write on the weekends, but I always forget to do so/get caught up in something else. It's...rather tricky, to say the least.

    But thanks for the offer of help; I really appreciate it.
    You aren't in the Challenge anymore, right? In that case, input would be nice.

    My next break? I think it's August 9th; my summer classes end that day. But after that I only have one week before autumn classes begin >_<

    ToD3 has a question and an answer bit. You need to do both to win, but go with which one you feel more comfortable with at the time.
    The Challenge III = Pretty well, but could be better.
    Nightmare series = Still haven't had a chance to work on it. Darn classes. I really do want to work on it; I just can't find the time!
    Trivia of DNA III = I love it.
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