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  • Have you read the thing I linked you to?

    To answer your question, I for one am partaking in this activity. Just started a couple of weeks ago and it's really a lot of fun! Front flips, back flips, vaults, wall-runs. All sorts of tricks that enable you to overcome any obstacle in the place.
    Losing my family, getting in trouble, falling from a mountain, getting paralyzed.
    Never mind. I'll just get it later. Meanwhile, what do you want to talk about? my sexy avatar
    I can oversee them, but not really participate in them for the time being. I'll definitely be updating the Round-Robin next week as I've scheduled it, but I won't be entering anything that I've written for it or my haiku contest yet.
    Want to continue chatting on PO? Just give me your name on there and I'll give you mine.
    Ugh, I had to install 220 square-yards of carpet over the course of the past three days. It was a lot of time consuming work, and I've still got at least one other (possibly large) job to do this week starting tomorrow and possibly continuing into Friday.
    Experimenting with my VG team on PO. It's so much more fun and engaging when I experiment. I guess it all depends on each person's learning style.

    What story are you working on?
    You can also proofread articles for the forum portal. I think that's how Zyflair got to be a Contributor, if I recall correctly.
    NO! Don't be sorry. I'm here to answer questions, so you're not bothering me really. I'm just not too involved with contributor activities, so I don't have a reason to follow them.
    Then go ahead and use that creative mind of yours. You said so yourself to me, remember? Go and think up a few contests that will attract and promote activity in the WC. Advertise Writer's Corner in your sig because it's a lot easier for people to see it if you post regularly in forums that have a lot of activity.

    I myself just noticed that the VG forum needs a little more activity. But until I'm good enough at VG, I have to wait and improve.
    To my knowledge, he's a general contributor, not just one for Community Works. You're really asking the wrong person about this. I don't assign or vouge for contributors. That's the Super Mods deal. I do more on my own than with others anyways. Communication has always been kind of loose amongst staff in each department, so I really don't keep tabs on who's a contributor for what.
    He is the main proofreader of the articles that go live on the forum portal. He is the one who skims over each article for spelling and grammatical errors.

    If you want to be WC's first Contributor, then go for it. Nothing is impossible to him that perseveres, a lesson that my teachers and parents have drummed to me completely.
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