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  • *DG tackles Lugicrona playfully*

    Pretty good. Not too warm, not too hot. You?
    Would you mod a member who joined a day ago?

    I'm afraid my argument still stands. That quote is extreme and what I meant by that is, staff won't judge someone by age and in forum terms, it means the registration date. Would you want to be fussed over by the staff just because of your registration date? Put yourself in that scenario and you'll get my point.

    I try my best to help whenever there's a shortage of willing people. I enter the contests in WC, hoping others will follow. It's like the others are unwilling to join. A little like one of those cartoons where someone asks, "Who will join the war?" and everybody except me steps backwards. It's always been that way with me. When everybody is too scared to do something, I step forward.

    By saying this, this is more than just a proof that you are that willing to contribute and make PB better. I've seen your efforts around WC to join Round Robin and the Haiku Contest and I think it's all going well. But I have to confess, I never thought of it this way. That quote above, you should be proud of it. As in very proud of it. And like I've said, with this strong trait of yours, you will be a valuable asset to the staff and I'm sure WC will be a lot better with you around. I'm completely serious at every word I wrote. Each and everyone of us hold infinite potential within, the potential to succeed, to become great. But what's sad is, not many discover this early enough and by the time that event comes, it's too late for them to reach it. The younger you are, the more you can aspire to be what you like.

    I completely salute you for the willingness and solidness of your goals. I'm very impressed at the quote you wrote above and I think you are a perfect role model that PB needs right now.Like all the great contributors before you, you will make WC and PB as a whole better. And all you need right now is to take the first step. Go ahead, do it. I completely support you for what you stand by and believe in.
    I'm still not sure what his role is there. I honestly thought he quit. Does he even do anything? The last time I checked, the answer was no.

    If you do consider it, don't talk to him yet - he appears to be very busy at the moment.
    Have you talked to Apollo about it at all?

    Also I'm not sure if contributors help with the fanfic section; I think it's mostly TCG/VG. But I don't fully know.
    I'd say it's a good price. It has an insane amount of replay value and entices the player to keep going with it.
    If you're waiting for it to go down, you'll probably have to wait several months.
    Because at the previous profile comment, you gave no reason backing up your decision.

    I think it's way too early, even though I joined a year ago.

    I don't think this will be one of the reasons the staff will be taking into serious consideration when they are debating who is to be modded. Honestly, it's going to be an extremely stupid reason for people to judge the quality of your contribution and posts by just how long you were a member of PB. Seriously, why would everyone fuss about a member's join date? It's a registration date, holy moly. No one will judge anyone by their registration date. In fact, it's the last thing on their minds.

    And second, it takes a lot of work and effort, especially in lower-activity forums.

    I admit, being an aspiring Contributor can take tons of hours off your life. You've got so many things to do, you have to write high quality articles. You have to plan out creative contests. You have to check on every new member's fanfic, whether you want to or not. You have to be knowledgeable enough about the art of writing. Even more, you have to update your fic regularly because there's a huge pool of expectation from the members active around WC. If you look at the big picture, it seems very daunting, right? It's no different from being a moderator.

    Frankly, not many members are willing to become Contributors. Even more so becoming a Moderator. There are a many people that just think of PB as a place where they can just hang out, cool down and stuff. They don't want to get involved in staff matters and are perfectly content in being a member. But what about those people who aspire to contribute? They are definitely a different level than the rest of the members.

    By reading your comment, you stated so yourself that you want to contribute and frankly, that is very good. Excellent, in fact. Like I said above, not many are contributing (in terms of reaching out) and in reality, will choose not to in the first place. But the fact that you are willing to become a Contributor shows in the comment, your posts in Writer's Corner and pretty much every where else. I salute you because you also have great motivation, determination and dedication. Secondly, because not many people are willing to contribute. I salute you for those words. You've got the potential to become an excellent Contributor if you just allow yourself to be one.
    About $35 in all - $5 for a preorder deposit, then $30 more on the day of release...plus tax.
    Lucky Fire, I am waiting for White 2 to come out in English, and I have already acquired Conquest.
    Thanks for the huge props. But the question is, do you want to become a Contributor? I think you will be a valuable asset to Writer's Corner if you do. You've got more potential than you think you hold, and I'm sure your parents told you that at least twice in your lifetime. But may I ask, why won't you want to become modded? I'm asking because no reason was offered. Because in my opinion, being a Contributor and contributing to WC is almost like being a mod, isn't it? But scratch out the powers a mod has.
    “You are rewarding a teacher poorly if you remain always a pupil.”

    I long since gave up on TCG. It lost the flair that made it great, at least for me. It's either going to be VG or Writer's Corner I'm shooting for. I'm really persistent and determined. If a lot of people say it's impossible to get it, I don't know if you call it sheer determination or blindness, but I kinda get annoyed when people belittle your ambitions. I'm not mad at you, but I'm talking about the general sense. But if you think that acquiring a mod position is my main reason of contributing, I will say no. A firm and solid no. I want to make PB better and being a lazy duck that is sitting around isn't going to help. Refer to the quote above.
    “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

    I always give that quote two thumbs up.

    It doesn't really matter what everyone else says. If I want to contribute to the site, I will.

    And, oh, if you want to become a mod, don't get your hopes up.

    Why not?
    I'm gonna give it a shot. But it's Writer's Corner, proofreading articles for the portal and VG sections I'm going to be checking on, though I hardly know anything about VG. :/
    Now after seeing Zy's userbar, I developed an immense interest in being a Contributor.
    1. Contributing to PB
    2. Cool userbar
    3. More closer to staff
    4. Future pathway to becoming a mod
    5. Cool userbar
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