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  • Lucky Fire, Latios has soul dew only does 50% Damage... Latios Switches into Magnezone, and uses Flash Cannon*

    That's a KO
    I'm fine. I'm camping a few more days and trying to finish chapter seven of FT.
    *Golbania-Chaste slowly wraps himself around Lucky Fire and asks her how things are going.*
    Lucky Fire, and what kind of camp is it? It's not fat camp or band camp, is it?
    Lucky Fire, it's interesting because of what I'm going to be tested on.

    Nothing wrong with being lazy during summer! Except for when you signed up for summer school like I did. That's why I've been keeping busy.
    Lucky Fire, I'm doing good! I've got midterms this week that I am, oddly enough, not stressed for at all. There's one on Monday which isn't too tricky, one on Thursday which might be tricky, and one on Friday which will be...interesting, to say the least.

    Got a brief window in your summer vacation time to log in, eh? Nice to see you again! How's your summer been?
    Nah, don't care about those games anyway. I'm more hyped about AC3's big release in October.
    I'm not really that type of guy who would like spending their downtime weighing the options of each job. If I want something, I go for it. I never back down.

    If you have aspired to become an artist, then go with it.
    I'd want to be a pizza guy Dunno, maybe an artist, writer or a chef. You could guess by the strikethrough.
    You've never been online for the past 4 days. I missed all of my buddies.... -_-
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