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  • *Little Tyranitar starts melting into a brown liquid before solidifying into the shape of a Staraptor. Staraptor thrust his powerful wings open and shot high up into the blue sky, eyeing Landorus dangerously.*
    Umm...There are sequels already out in Japan... That's what I've been saying the whole time. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about them at this point. They already exist. That's what I'm excited about too, since they're already set for release in the US on October 7th.
    *Mini Tyranitar does a head roll and and grabs onto the Sacred Beast's tail*
    I have to disagree. BW2 are actual sequels, not just expansion versions. The last time a Pokemon RPG had an actual sequel was with Pokemon XD, and it was even better than its predecessor Colosseum. There's no way I'm passing these up. In any case, I'll probably get them all anyways. I've been having a good work year so far, despite being off this week so far.
    Overall, it didn't really take that long, but I kept coming back to edit it over the course of a few days (good thing you were at camp!). The length is rather impressive looking, though, isn't it?
    Hey there, it's been a while since I've heard from you. How's everything?
    Mmm, you make that sound like a bad thing. Even I'm not on PB all the time. I have a job that can take away from my Internet time a lot when I have things scheduled. I understand completely. Anyways, I'm doing well. I'm currently debating whether or not to buy Pokemon Conquest ane HeartGold Version. I have ninety dollars saved from tips I got at work weeks ago, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend it now on these games or hold onto it until Black 2 and White 2 come out in the US.
    Lucky Fire, NP I just miss you (sounds like we dated D:)

    I'm doing great, just writing a nice new fic, and mocking a lot of ppl in the process. And helping Equinox right his own :D
    When you get back, how are you doing? I kind of miss our occasional chats, so drop me a line when you get a chance.
    Ok, after giving it significant thought this morning, I think I've come up with a reasonable explanation for the question: why do so many boys/men like MLP:FiM?
    I think the answer is the following, although I can't really prove it:
    Inside all of us, embedded by default in our hearts and minds, is a love of that which is innocent, and compassion for fellow humans. Every person on this planet was brought out of absolute nothingness into the light of physical reality and consciousness, and as such we all have a kind of pity for ourselves and others, as we are subject to the struggles and trials of our ignorant and confusing lives as humans. A kind of fellowship is formed, connecting all of humanity in our quest for the ultimate truth, beauty, justice, and love.
    However, throughout the course of human history, we have forgotten in selfish indulgences these feelings of empathy for one another; and have began to see each other not as brothers and sisters in our humanly struggle, but as objects and tools we can manipulate and utilize for our personal gain and immediate pleasure.
    But ponies defy all of that.
    Presented in a very pitiable and esthetically pleasing forms, these ponies unite us in our feelings of fellowship with other human beings, making present our desire to love and be loved, while showing our uniqueness. Loving and tolerating comes to us because of empathy and compassion for other human beings, but until ponies came along, there weren't many ways we all could get together as we do now. Bronies may not be perfect, and may not realize this themselves, but at least subconsciously something of this matter is going on, and it is so unlike our modern understanding of reality that is confuses us and makes us feel...
    What I have just stated explains why anybody can get into the brony phenomenon and why ponies work so well for them. MLP:FiM is great for many other reasons, such as great animation, characters, morals, ect., but that really isn't enough in itself to create what I will soon describe: a fanbase quite like the one it does.
    Now, you may say that I'm going way deeper and I'm getting way more philosophical than not only is necessary, but is realistic.
    That may be the case, but I'm positive there is truth in what I'm saying. Think about it. This is a show for little girls. It has a fan base. A fan base that has way over 800,000 members (recent survey), including members way outside the target demographic. A fan base with hundreds of awesome musical pieces, stories, and art pieces.
    I could be wrong, but something far beyond aesthetics is present here. And that ^is what I think it is. I know it is for me.

    That was sort of the point. The symbol itself represents her power over people's rage. She's one of three legendary Pokemon that control negative emotions. Likewise, Otulp's symbol (a pawmark with an eye on its pad) represents trauma and Arachana's symbol (an upside-down version of the Legend of Zelda's Triforce) represents lust.
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