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  • Lucky Fire, a few weeks? Don't you mean a few months?

    The Japanese version came out March 17th. The NA version is coming out on June 19th.
    Yep, that's video games for you. I tend to not buy many, and I tend to buy used if I can help it...with Pokemon games seemingly being the only exception. (Pokemon games are expensive, I agree.)
    Hard to do, when Vaspudem is over 130 feet long. Also, she's actually got three eyes. The one under her mouth is part of a tattoo.
    Lucky Fire, it wasn't that good. I wagered everything in Final Jeopardy and lost. The only reason I wasn't last was because some guy finished Double Jeopardy with -5000. (He failed big-time.)

    What would I like to talk about? Well, what do you think about Conquest coming out in the US in a few days?
    Lucky Fire, in the first bit (Jeopardy) I placed in the middle. In the next two events I won by a landslide in each.
    I'm doing great! I got to participate in a forum Jeopardy, plus two bonus events. Although I crashed and burned badly in the main Jeopardy, I cleaned up the bonus events quite nicely.

    Did WPM look at my profile? Yes, yes he did. Why do you ask?
    But... but wouldn't it be fun?
    <DNA> "So, how did the server crash? New B/W news? New set released? Nah, just a gender-confused furry spamming his wall."
    It would crash if I did it, say, a few thousand times every minute. I don't want that to happen, so I won't do it. :3

    It's still fun.
    Lucky Fire, Sweet, thanks :)

    That makes only 3 cobra votes, and 4 camono Dragon votes, and 10 Iquana

    And the alligator... he just gets dumped into a ditch.
    The main series Pokemon ones. Or did you mean where I got the idea from? If so, it's something I came up with myself.
    Just by being in the same party as Doxinox. It's an in-game idea more than a story-based one.
    Mmm, he wouldn't exist without it. The whole idea behind his character was that an Eevee that hated its trainer got infected by the microbes that comprise Doxinox's body and then mutated into Noxeon because Eevee's unstable DNA merged with Doxinox's DNA.
    Yep. Doxinox itself is reptilian in appearance, and since Noxeon is infected with Doxinox's pathogens and DNA, he became reptile-like too.
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