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  • I really have nothing serious going on until the end of the week. I've been trying to make headway on Feral Twilight. I managed to finish chapter six finally, concluding part one of the novel. As for my avatar, it's of my fakemon Noxeon. He's a parasitic Poison-type Eeveelution that was supposedly infected by Doxinox.
    *Noxeon gently clamps his maw around Lucky's neck and start harmlessly sucking blood, like he's done to his other friends the past few days.* Okay, don't mind that really. It's harmless roleplay. So anything new going on for you?
    Sorry, I didn't mean to twist words around on you.
    The masks I got only cost $9 apiece. When I mentioned fursuits, though, I was referring to custom-made outfits that some people who are into furry fandom wear, which can easily be worth hundreds of dollars. However, I could probably make a simplified bodysuit for under $50 if I could find cheap enough faux fur at a fabric store.
    Lucky Fire, an alternate guide...wow, good idea! Thanks! Deciding who shouldn't be that difficult either.

    Once again you have gotten my brain moving, Lucky; thank you very much!
    Lucky Fire, something like that, except in Apprentice the guide is taking a more active role in the protagonist's path, because of the constant threats against that person's life.

    Thing is, I'm so used to the passive guiding bit that I'm not exactly sure how to write about active guiding.
    Currently, I only have five masks: a wolf, a fox, a kangaroo, a giraffe, and a zebra. I started collecting them in 2009, but stopped until this year. Regretably, I have never made a costume myself. I intended to try my hand at it by making a fursuit for myself based on a Mightyena character I came up with in high school, but materials were way out of my price range. >.>
    Lucky Fire, I actually have that in part of the chapter 6 I'm planning.

    I think the main issue I'm having is how to have the protagonist progress on his/her path towards realizing his/her purpose in life. It is at that point in which I am at an impasse.

    Btw I posted chapter 15 of Nightmare if you're interested.
    Lucky Fire, oh right. It's just it's so infrequently I check the topic that I forget what goes on :p

    It does depend, yeah. The issue is mostly that I don't know in which direction I should be progressing the plot yet. The main protagonist was basically abducted by some demon and then rescued, and after that...not sure what to do next.
    Well, it's been the case for me the past few years. I sort of made it a goal to find a good adult-sized costume of my favorite animals to use when I want/need it. Thus far, I've gotten a seal, a skunk, a parrot, and a cow. I've also been collecting animal masks. I know it sounds like a bizarre hobby, but it's actually a lot of fun.
    Lucky Fire, Nightmare is up to chapter 14 right now, as far as posting it has gone. Have you read 14 yet? I'll advance to 15 right now if you want.

    I think Apprentice is only up to chapter 5 or so. I'd start #6, but I keep procrastinating/I've been busy/I'm somewhat lazy. That, and I'm at that tricky bit where I have no idea what I should be doing for the middle of the story.
    Believe it or not, this is usually the time of year I get my Halloween costume so I don't have to deal with the rush of trying to get something good a few weeks before the holiday. I don't go out to costume parties a lot, but I like to impress people who drop by (trick-or-treaters, family friends, etc.). Alternatively, I might just use them as PJs (might sound a little childish, coming from me, but oh, well).
    Lucky Fire, Six Flags in the rain? That doesn't sound very pleasant at all.

    And most amusement parks are expensive, unfortunately. It's a shame. It's also the main reason why I don't have any urge to go to any amusement park.
    It's a little embarassing, but it's a called a kigurumi (basically a cosplay outfit made in the style of pajamas). I saw them before and thought they were cool, but I only recently found out what they were called and bought a style I liked.
    Lucky Fire, just curious, that's all. You've just been gone for a while that I'd be sure you would have had plenty of adventures lately.
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