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  • Lucky Fire, what would I like to talk about?

    Well...have you made any new friends lately in the long time you've been away?
    Lucky Fire, iCade? I don't think I've heard of that before.

    Would I like to talk about something? Yes, I definitely would.
    Fine, I guess. I was working steadily the past few, but now I'm suddenly off again. I saved some money from work so I could order something I'd been itching to get for a while now. I'm just waiting for it to arrive.
    Lucky Fire, what was the drawing of, if I may ask.

    What happened that was terrible? Just a series of very worrying and unfortunate events that nearly drove me crazy. Everything's better now, but during when it was happening, it was not very pleasant.

    And you're going to be replaced permanently in the Challenge.
    Lucky Fire, a drawing of the rainbow? Did you get a photograph of one or no?
    How about me? I'm doing okay; I had a pretty terrible weekend but I'm bouncing back so I'm fine now. Classes start next week for me, and I'm waiting for some things in the mail: my textbooks and the form for a driver's license (I want to try and get it before summer's over).
    Lucky Fire, I see, I see. I'll take care of that bit of the Challenge.
    And glad to see you back again! I missed you. How've you been doing?
    Hi, Lucky! How are you doing? I haven't seen you on much, so I thought I'd drop you a line and eat greet you with a big toothy smile.
    Oh, I'll be away for quite some time. For five weeks.

    So... the reason I haven't been online all week is because nearly nothing's going on, and I haven't really gotten Wi-fi access for like three days. Yikes.
    Lucky Fire, As I write I only have one day left :D guess who's behind in time zones XD
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