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  • That stinks. You deserved those CP more than the kid who plays an auto pilot deck that even a beginner can win with. But at least you showed everybody you have skill by playing that type of deck and doing well with it.I actually had that sam,e xact thing happen to me several times and I hated it. I understand your anger, but you have to realize Pokemon is just to have fun. Focus more on the game then winning and unless you made a major misplay that cost you the game it's all just luck. Actually, if you go to another regionals and a statrs and do well your certainly pass your goal.
    I hate my uncle too and my dad's side of the family. I believe each one has been to jail at least once
    At least you had fun right? Lol. You mistakenly put 3 cleffa in. That sucks. You should play Zeel tomorrow.
    Yeah, they scare me and are abusive. Which person?
    Yeah. I always get paired down too. So this means you're now at 9 CP, right?
    Oh, that stinks. I wish I didn't have my family that is here for Christmas. I dislike them a lot.
    DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE I just had the weirdest league experience. It was at Dreamers.

    1) A kid tried to rip me off of my RH Reshi. I told him that I valued it at $4, and he had 4 $1 rares I needed for my collection, and I told him it would be a good deal, which it was, so we went with it, and 2 minutes later he said he wanted a trade back because 4 for 1 was not fair xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    2) Thomas - yea him - he's now in Masters. He also got his ears pierced, and is 6'4'' and is starting to grow a 15....
    Helmets are amazing in the deck. Try it.
    I think many people are like that, they aren't Christian but celebrate it as the Santa way. I'm not Christian either but yeah. That is cool. Have fun. If you don't mind me asking how was last year's Christmas okay?
    Yeah, that's a good idea. So as of now you play 3-2 eel or or something?
    Are you excited for Christmas next week?
    I think you'll be fine,
    Yeah, and if you leave it again it'll never love you again.or at least think of it like that.It's a good deck with few bad matchups so yeah.
    It's fine. I wasn't online during that time so no harm no foul.
    Mr. Tea, Probably July, maybe earlier, all depending on my moms work.

    Also, what do you think about Dark Rush? It's totally broken! This is what caught my attention:

    ESPEON!! (Broken...)
    Blaziken/Typhlosion Prime?
    Heatmor (Best Durant counter)?
    Raikou EX?
    Aerodactyl? (Replace PlusPower?)
    Entei EX/Volcarona?
    Twist Mountain?
    Mr. Tea, lol okai ill change it...

    You sorta can. You have to sign this paper and do this court thingy. I've done it before, and I'm doing this cause i want my mom's maiden name to not be one of my middle names. So Nigel will replace it. :p
    Lol and I thought I was indescisive. Seriously though, it would be weird like on your wedding day you would be asked do you take her to be your would be like yes, wait no, I mean yes. Is this a trick question. I don't know and you would be lonely forever.
    Well, yeah. But you always com,e back to it so it means you should stick withh it.
    Mr. Tea, O. I have a new middle name I'm getting soon...Nigel...THANKS POKEMON I should go with it?
    Yeah. Let's hope that you only can't make up your mind when picking decks, because that would be horrible in the real world.
    Shocker! :p But really, no, just no. Lanturn isn't as good. Just stick with your deck. But, it;s your decision. Watch you're going to change your mind a again.
    Yeah. I decided to test it out. It's been doing pretty well, I guess.
    Lol. He must have been really mad.
    Mr. Tea, Srsly?

    Okay :3 I'll do whatever to defeat Sabrina and her evil ZPST >;}

    EDIT: Getting a new middle name...Guess what it is?
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