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  • Actually, I don't play CAke anymore. I got sick of it and went back to ZPST. Yeah, lol. Those kids get really mad easily. That sounds really fun. I only average three or four games a league. Is that the same league leader who gets mad when he loses a game?
    Yeah it does.
    No, I haven't. There are people at my league who play it but they are snobs and scare me so I don't play against them. I only play easy people at league or sometimes play against the better people if they ask.
    Mr. Tea, Holy @&#^ I got 5 CP for to cutting at going to more!
    20 is a reachable goal. Don't worry you'll reach it. That's my goal.
    Oh. Are you going to it?
    Also, guess what?
    Mr. Tea, She played ZPST. It was an extreeeeeeeeeeeeemely close game, and she decided to split the packs equally with me because I was about to win when Ray called time.
    Well, yeah.
    That is a pretty good goal. I know you are goingv to reach it. Are you going to the Florida marathon or has that passed? I'm not really good at these things.
    I know. They are just making things harder for everyone.
    Mr. Tea, LOL

    btw, second at cities, in a close top two vs. sabrina. went 3-0 in swiss rounds, and 14 prize packs.
    You make that sound like it is the worst thing in the world. I know how it feels. Your in a place where you don't fit in and have no one there to hang out with. People at your league could possibly be your friends if you try but yeah. At least you have the internet, right? What goal? Don't worry you'll be fine.
    Yeah, I'm going with my friend.
    Cool. Also they do it just cause they can. They owe the a lot of money thinking they are cool, but still yeah.
    Oh, that makes more sense.
    That is cool. I'm going to Tuscon which is like 2 and a half hours from where I live. If you were to go to that one would it be your last one?
    I guess we both have Cities we can't go to
    Do you happen to be good at math?
    how many power keepers and emerald energies do you have? I would be interested in trading for them
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