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  • MrGatr, Rofl. I just got back from skiing in Maine, that was fun. I finally got a picture I can post in the Beach Member Picture Thread so as not to show my face.
    MrGatr, LOLOLOLOLOL you ate milk. If I had as much skill as you, I could eat milk too instead of drinking it.
    MrGatr, Oh, did he rly disconnect and not forfeit? It's still probably your win, but I'm gonna go confirm with Arceus on that just to make sure.
    MrGatr, If you're opponent disconnected in the middle of the match, then it counts as your win.
    MrGatr, Nah, I didn't win. Not by a long shot lol. I could have made Top Cut had I won the last round but I suck so much that I didn't. It was just a fun time with friends and that's all that really mattered at the time.
    MrGatr, Call it a special talent. It was just such an awesome memory with my friends and a great TCG weekend because of it. Definitely one of the highlights so far in my life.
    MrGatr, Oh how I wish. Nah jk. She's some 60+ year old woman. Heck no lol. She was funny though, I'll give her that.
    Cold again, and starting to snow finally. Believe it or not, we actually had a warm streak the past few days and most of the snow we had melted. Now there's supposed a snowstorm that's going to dump between an inch to three inches sometime before the end of the week.
    MrGatr, I didn't say anything about not knowing Apollo's age, or anything related to the matter.
    MrGatr, 1 To late

    2 Um no...but it's already been done


    4 See above answer

    5 Uhhhhh no....I will just get one with the money I already have :p

    6 Want to hear a sad story? Soooooo I used to have a cat...a pure black cat named Zombie. I had her when I was about 6-10...right up until I moved from Washington to here. So when we were going to move we returned the cat to it's original owner (my aunt...we kept that cat at our house because she couldn't have pets at her apartments). Before we left we went over there and....no Zombie around. I asked what happened and my aunt says "Oh Zombie got stolen buy some guys." And that was the end of it...for 7 years. I asked like 6 months ago what happened to Zombie because I forgot...weeeeeellllllllllll I got the real story. Zombie was eaten by dogs. She jumped over the fence into the neighbors back yard and the next morning she was smeared all over the yard...this ruined my childhood like most things have...so no I would not do such a terrible thing.

    7 Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not really. I guess because I hate driving and would much rather ride my bike....but....I also don't recycle and even if I had the option I wouldn't care enough to actually do it....
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