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  • MrGatr, It's not gone. Look at the top of my bio; the offer is still open. *hug*

    Can I take a look at it?
    Will I take a look at it?
    Probably not.
    Originally, Hell and Damn were censored, but WPM decided to allow them a few months ago since they aren't considered as strong as other swear words.
    MrGatr, lol, I forgot about that. It's not like me to make enemies. The list is reserved for someone special, I guess.
    MrGatr, Good, for the most part. It's finally snowed, but my family says that it's gonna melt tomorrow. :(

    Is your banner hinting that you want to change your name?
    How are you doing? Also, I took the time to read your story, "The Shadows". I saw many misspelled words, so I put the corrections in a post. ;)
    He has his unique traits. Sometimes, I feel he tries to deviate from the norm too much rather than sticking with the solid basics.
    I'm just catching my team, then I will prepare them and be ready. Would 15 mins be ok? I'll tell you if I need anymore time.
    Something I should clarify is that Felicia (who appears in the prologue) is actually a side character in the rest of the story. But, as I mention in the narration, Jay Christie (the main character) is going to meet up with her shortly (in Chapter Four actually). The main reason Zy felt like the transition between the prologue and chapter one was sort of broken is because I don't have the story set up so that it follows Felicia's Point of View from the prologue. If that's what you were referencing anyways. In any case, I kind of like the split-up POV myself so that storylines aren't so straightforward and actually leave some things unsaid in the narration for readers to try and figure out on their own rather than bluntly stating stuff like too many fanfic writers do (from what I've seen anyways).
    That would be fine by me. Keep in mind I still have to work on that new chapter Apollo posted while working on my own fic.
    MrGatr - Me? An amazing writer? Nah~ *blush*

    Certainly; I would love to help you by proofreading. You may send it via PM, and I will have a quick glance at it :)
    Take your time. I'd just like some feedback since the story itself hasn't been continued since last year. I'm hoping to get the next chapter revised and posted by the weekend if not just after New Year's, depending on how its revisions and rewrites go.
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