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  • MrGatr, No... DNA only said that... I'm not a boy. :p

    BF= Best Friend or Boyfriend

    I don't have a BF (the second meaning).
    MrGatr, Thanks. The reason for the change was because my name... was a bit long. The new one still holds a part of the old name. I discussed about it with DNA over the chat. He said that I should pick Lucky Fire over Blue Fire.

    Because he can imagine someone saying, "Blue Fire is my BF!" So obvious. :p
    If you do give it a proofreading, I'll be glad since the latter part of the new Chapter Three seems a little crude to me since I didn't get a chance to read through it again after posting it yesterday.
    If you do give it a proofreading, I'll be glad since the latter part of the new Chapter Three seems a little crude to me since I didn't get a chance to read through it again after posting it yesterday.
    MrGatr, *catutie checks*

    Hmmmm that would cause some problems. Don't get too worried about girls....you got all the time in the world
    MrGatr, Ping Pong table? My family got that last year, too, only it was a ten-in-one, I think. I am really lucky. *sigh*
    MrGatr, On winter break? I'm at home all week, too. I can be online anytime, but the problem is, I'm addicted to my new game, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures. :(

    What did you get for Christmas?
    MrGatr, That's sad... Maybe tomorrow, then.

    By the way, are you going to school or staying home on winter break?
    MrGatr, I'll be online shortly. ;)

    You know where; meet me on the PokeBeach server.

    EDIT: Wait, I think someone deleted WineBottler. I can't open it!
    MrGatr, Why 16...enjoy your freedom and your youth because it will be gone before you know it. You don't have to rush into things. Take your time and get to know someone before you jump into anything...

    I fold
    MrGatr, Loooooool I'm the most immature person ever...you have to understand this. Just be a fun and honest person. When you find someone then cherish that person and take care of them and they will do the same for you. I didn't get gf's by just trying to impress them or showing off. That turns things into a fake relation ship...one that is just fueled off physical looks and not any emotional or mental connections....thus why most relationships don't last. It will most likely not work out the first time...I mean your 14 you got a while. But just pick yourself up and keep the smile on your face and don't worry what people think about you...who cares what people think because there opinion doesn't matter.

    I've never been on a conventional date...I've never taken a girl out to dinner...seriously...make it interesting. I've taken a girl rock climbing multiple times for a date, I've just pointed in a direction and for 2 hours we just walked in that direction for a date...a date can be anything, as long as you are with that person...now the question is...what game are we playing here with these cards?
    MrGatr, I'm already with her :p. Why about girls? I guess it is a big subject for a guy your age :p. Don't worry to much about it, just be yourself and someone will love the real you for who he is :D
    MrGatr, 1 I don't know what do you wanna talk about?

    2 It's cold...like 40 during the day O_O. WHERE IS THE SNOW?!
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