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  • MrGatr, 1 Pfffft I don't give a crap what my mom does :p. She is in Washington....abandoning me as usual

    2 I used to be a cat person...but now dogs....HUSKIES :3

    3 Daughter....weird I know

    4 People got what they deserved....and my ex GF is finally happy with someone that isn't a jerk :D

    5 By talking too much

    6 PFFFFFFT I do that alllllll the time (DNA's a Brony)

    7 Errrrrrrr no most likely not
    catutie, Good...

    Would you approve if your mom dated some guy from virginia? do you like dogs or cats? if you were a dad, would you want a daughter, or son? What happened last night? How do you annoy people? would you annoy DNA for the heck of it? would you spam if someone told you to?
    MrGatr, 1 Oh god....I want to kill all people that sag there pants.

    2 I've been told that I do all the time....I don't see how

    3 Amazing right now....especially after last night :D.

    How are thoust?

    It was pretty good. Didn't get any TCG stuff, but I got a new air hockey table for our basement and stuff. Might end up splitting a box of NV with my brother cuz I got the money. Or I might wait until after Cities.
    MrGatr, 1 If someone pulls out the cards and chips I will be at the table playing poker...

    2 Yes I am sir....thus I can now bring who ever I want into an R rated movie...and also I can have as many under aged people as I want with me past curfew :3 I have abused that curfew thing multiple times.

    3 I already have I mean maybe but not likely

    4 My best friend is a girl.....Also I don't care if she dates someone....but not them dating because that might get weird

    5 I have put on different helmets on multiple occasions. Also strange hats....like hats that have attached mittens :3. I found a set of Mario and Luigi hats...too bad they were 30 dollars each :/

    6 no

    7 yes
    MrGatr, Loooooooool well let me provide answers.

    1 I have no clue why it reminds you of yourself. Chocolate milk is delicious...but in excess it's gross. Moderation

    2 Possibly, here are some questions to aske to see if I am stalking you, Is your video game collection in alphabetical order for some weird reason? Is your bed always never made? Do you eat regularly? If you said yes to any of these then yes I am stalking you...if you said no to all of them then I am still stalking you.

    3 Ummmmmmmmm no.

    4 Uhhhhhhhhh no....work is gonna keep me here till end of January because of the holiday business.

    5 IRL I also have a large group of friends...and on PB I just put who ever is cool or shows some kind of interest I will add...

    6 Yes I do

    7 Yes I am

    Go ahead and think of more...I'm sure I will answer them because I can
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