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  • Yep, all of the My Little Pony dolls I asked for too! JK, I like the show and fanworks, but that's it.

    I didn't get too much, but I did get about half the stuff I seriously wanted. First and foremost, I finally got my hands on a Nintendo 3DS, as well as a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Super Mario 3D Land. I've never been too fond of 3D effects, but the games are still good with or without them on.

    Other than upgrading my gaming hardware, I also got the movie Kung Fu Panda 2 and a Season One DVD of a show I'd taken a recent liking to called The Walking Dead (i.e. a post-apocalypic zombie thriller). Otherwise I got knicknacks and clothes.
    Alas, I don't. I used to collect the cards until a few years ago, but that was it.
    MrGatr, WHAAAAA?!



    (Its funny because I'm wearing a cookie monster t-shirt :p)
    MrGatr, Haha, lol.

    I dunno :p Not like I even really need stuff at the moment, aside from cash. I'll let you know what we can work out after ma birfday
    My family is small, but we've got a guest today...my sister's *coughconvictcough* boyfriend. I'm not too fond of him, but he just got her an LCD Hi-Def TV that we just hooked up last night, so I'm not complaining either.
    Hey, I actually liked Bob Saget...as the host of America's Funniest Home Videos, anyways. ;P

    Anyways, yeah, Merry Christmas! I might not be on much the rest of today, though, because it's the holiday. In any case, I hope your holiday is good!
    MrGatr, Not sure if I should be happy or mad... :I You going to tell me what amazing things you get for Christmas? :eek:
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