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  • You won!!!! Nice! Sorry I didn't have the other cards... :/

    I need them back by the 31st. :) if you have another tourney, then I can borrow the cards, just LMK.
    MrGatr, Well, if I didn't know my cousin, that would be a problem, wouldn't it ;)

    I have a bunch of old cards. Like, really old. None are used in the current "format" or are worth anything as far as I can tell.
    MrGatr, See, it sounds all cool when you're a freshman going in. After sophomore year, that laptop is a big ol' burden. It's not worth it.
    MrGatr, I wish. I think DV is gonna teach me next time I see him. (probably the end of december)

    Edit: Well, I know how to play. Just not competitively.
    MrGatr, I'm sorry that your life is complicated.

    Eh, we have to carry a laptop, and binders to all seven classes around our school that has 11 buildings. I'm pretty sure I can handle a block schedule. I have to go up two flights of stairs to get to my locker. (Sometimes I don't even bother going, too much of a hassle.)
    MrGatr, I prefer to watch.

    Block schedule is nothing, I wish we had block scheduling.
    MrGatr, Internet drama, my favorite.

    You are young, you wouldn't know the importance of staying organized.
    MrGatr, They will get over it. *shrug*

    And showers prove nothing, a hobo can take a shower, that doesn't change the fact that he is a hobo.
    MrGatr, It doesn't sound bad to me, but that's just me.

    And no, boys are just slobs. xD
    MrGatr, *shrug* I guess.

    Well, I'm female and prefer to keep my stuff organized and nice looking.
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