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  • MrGatr, DNA is just a big ol' liar. Don't listen to him. Ever.

    Yah, losers. *bro fist* ಠ_ಠ
    Fat and inflated Pokemon got fun reactions from him before when I was using them. Also, there were pony-fied Pokemon, which I'm sure you remember. The only thing is finding good artwork in those categories. Alternatively, you could stick with "cute" (and, to an extent, "girly-looking") Pokemon like Vulpix, Eevee, etc., but they don't have the same impact as the others.

    ...You do know that just light and indirect humor was all I every meant with my previous avvies, right?
    I saw what you wrote to Zy. When it comes to pranking DNA, I just stick to using avvies that are going to get a good reaction from him, and that's it; usually he just plays into it. Anything else would actually be going too far...
    Yes, I did. And it looks really promising :3

    Admittedly, though, I only skimmed it earlier, but it definitely seems like a step up from your other fics. I'll give you a full-critique later today when I get to my local library. I just don't have time to this morning, and I've got some updates for my own projects coming up today too.
    Well, she's actually did that because she was dared to, but in any case, yeah, it was mostly me, her, and Apollo that made up the majority of the Writing Corner. We were all mods of the WC at some point (Apollo started the latest) but two of us left (but I'm back now!).
    Not bad at all. You still have alot of extra commas in your work. I suggest you read comma rules whenever you have time.
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