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  • "So you can't translate it?"

    "I just did! Weren't you listening? It says Raikou right there, and HP in the corner!"
    "Hey, can you translate this?"

    "Yeah. Uh...At the top it says Raikou...And then HP in the corner....And uh...That's all I know..."
    Hey...you're challenging gyms...I'm challenging gyms...It's only logical to test out teams on each other.
    I know some people in real life who have battled and survived cancer, so I also know it's not uncommon for their friends/family to shave their heads in show of support.

    Anyways, meh...I'm not as into football as I use to be when I was a kid. I used to play it with friends a lot, but slowly grew to dislike it into my teens. However, I do watch games on occasion as well as try to keep up with teams like the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears.
    Oh, yes! Freezing even. It's supposed to be slightly warmer the next few days, and then get back to really frigid temps before next weekend.
    I'll get back to you on your prologue in the morning or sometime tomorrow.
    The plot sounds okay, but there's not much I can say about it until you actually post the story.
    MrGatr, Don't worry, it's not like you'll be in a clown costume or something silly. Nobody wants to be made fun of. :(
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