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  • MrGatr, not sure that a competition for two people would be good enough for a contest.
    MrGatr, I don't know. I personally don't want to see threads with only one peice of art. If you want to start some sort of contest, you should probably mention it to CMP to see what he thinks.
    MrGatr, Well it would be a lot better if you waited and made like a gallary. It would get a lot more attention.
    I'm going to solo it. I hate trying to follow tutorials for something I can do on my own. In any case, it's late, so I'm logging off for the night. Talk to you later. *hoofy hugs!* Tehehe... Pony joke.
    I can try, but I'm not good at drawing actual Pokemon, which is why I usually stick with my fakes.
    MrGatr, Lol, Brontya :p Thats a good one, have yet to hear that one :p

    And Chandy is just cool. I use it as my TCG deck, so yeah, maybe that's why its starting to grow on me
    MrGatr, WHOA BRO, PONYTA?!

    Most broken pokemon ever, legit.

    Im starting to like Chandelure a lot, not sure why, lol
    If it works for you, then try it. There is the option of giving one thing up for a little while to focus on the other, but sometimes it helps to alternate so you don't burn yourself out on one thing too quickly.
    *shrugs* I don't see why you'd have to give up the games just because you lost them. Furthermore, you don't have to give them up because you're trying to get more into writing. I usually flip-flip between playing the games and writing in my downtime depending on what I'm more into at a given time...
    I do play the actual Pokemon videogames, but I'm not into competitive play and don't use PO. In fact, the only things I do as far as online gameplay goes are just activities in the Pokemon BW Dreamworld and (on rare occasions) trade for Pokemon. Otherwise, my primary activities are wrapped up in fanworks like art and writing.
    Hmmmm... I've got a ton of work, but I'll see what I can do.

    Maybe monday? If you aren't allowed to play then I'll try to make sure we can do it tomorrow.
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