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  • "Team D" as in "Team Dimensional," right? Sorry, man, but you have to be a little more specific when using abbreviated names. Otherwise, I'm not always going to understand your references.

    Anyways, I've started work on my master project, The Crusade of Dark Nostalgia series. I'm hoping to get Feral Twilight back up to full-steam starting next week or the following one, depending on how revisions go.
    If you consider the other day a long time, then yes. It's been a very long time indeed. ;P JK

    Anyways, what's up?
    My dad got divorced. So our 'mom' is out there somewhere. He worries a little much. Can;t blame him though.
    Well, my dads overly protective....After something bad happened....
    MrGatr - No, I still don't speak French (laughs). I have a friend who attended French immersion school and knows the dialect. He told me certain phrases were basically borrowed from English, simply adding "la" or "le" in front of it xD
    Hey, sorry I haven't responded earlier. I was away all day today. I think probably Sunday would be best, but I'll contact you in a time frame when I can do it.
    MrGatr - Non, je ne suis pas Canadien français. Je sais seulement quelques mots et ne peut pas parler français. J'utilise un traducteur. Boeuf et légumes. La tour Eiffel est une tour. Bérets ne sont pas à la mode. J'aime éclairs.
    MrGatr, The rules clearly states that once someone changes their names, someone else can't use it because the original "owner" of the previous name might change back to that name.

    And besides, the Super Moderators have the power to change it, not the members, so you're safe. :)
    MrGatr, I might quote that to support DNA's theory that Macs are useless. :(

    Macs aside, are you planning to change your name? I feel the urge to change mine...I must resist... (Check my bio/usertitle for hints)
    MrGatr, I downloaded it. But I can't open it. It just shows a code that says something like:

    "Must have Win01 server to open".

    Strange. :/
    MrGatr, I am into VG and TCG, but, somehow, I've lost the urge to do so. :(

    I still have my TCG cards, but I'm searching for my DSi and my games. My DS pack got lost... :(
    MrGatr, I'm a bit bored. It seems like the forums aren't really active now that the Game forums have disappeared. :/
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