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  • welp, did most of the edits on your critique, just need to add more details, will do that when I have more time. Great edits, they really helped my story! :D
    On second thought, one extra contest probably wouldn't be as big of deal after all. I just have to decide on the timing of it so I don't get screwed up with the other two...or I could possibly make it a once-in-a-while thing since poetry other than haiku isn't that popular of subject here... It won't be an immediate thing, though, since again I have to get permission from SR before even starting these events.

    I never said I didn't want you to. I'd rather you wait until there are a decent amount of chapters up, but okay then.
    It's not a bad ideas, per say, but I've never liked how some forums do worse things than that (namely Pokecommunity I know allows people to sign-up for contests in one thread, then post all of their works separately in their own threads, and finally do judging or evaluations of people's work...or something on the lines of that. It's been years since I've actually been there, and I can't stand that place whatsoever...). Frankly, I like keeping things to one thread at a time, but more contests may make it seem like I'm intentionally flooding the writing forum with contests for no other reason than to have them (especially since they're ideally continuing rounds), wouldn't it? If not, I'll start asking SR about hosting/advertising more of the ones that are going on.
    I'm not downing your ideas or anything, just keeping stuff well-organized is a priority for hosting successful contests nowadays. I'll think about what you said, though, don't think I'm blowing it off.
    Alright, bud. Gotcha! ;D

    I just suddenly had to go in for work this morning, so I wasn't able to check what was going on right away.
    I see you critiqued it already, and did a good job too. A few words of advice, though: One-shots are somewhat the exception from typical writings. There can be some relaxed use of description (i.e. it doesn't have to be thick like in a regular novel). I'm glad you covered the issue of details being important, but I also wanted you know that short stories don't need to be overwhelmed with it. If you need an example, look up my one-shot Lupine in my Odds-and-Ends thread. Otherwise, I think you handled the critique pretty well.

    Also, I should mention you don't have to ask my permission to critique something when it's just been posted. Actually, it's usually more polite to let the person who wrote the story know you're giving them a critique so you don't blindside them with it, but that's just what I'd suggest doing (not something you have to do beforehand).
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